Download a New Timedemo Package for HL2 Here created by me


Apr 17, 2000
I've put together a ZIP file of two new timedemos I have created in Half Life 2. One is in the d1_canals_09 map and the other in the d3_c17_12 map. These are shorter than our timedemos used in the HL2 Benchmark Article, but they are more intense.

Don't forget to go to our article to find the links to download the two long timedemos used in that article:

If you don't mind share this package, don't leech off of my personal webspace, others host this as well please, thanks.

This is an exclusive for Hardforum goers ;)

Download the ZIP file HERE

Damn, Brent, you're on top of this today! My hats off! So far I've downloaded 5 timedemos from [H] and the 4 from CATALYST MAKER...

And... this brings to mind... why the hell am I benchmarking and not playing...

I want to see Brent get pwned ;)
Thanks Brent....I will run these babies this evening and post back some more real world benches...

Thanks again to the [H] and Kyle, and Brent you too, for getting us these benches so fast, trying to stem the flood of FUD... :p
More good benchmarks from teh ultra best!!!111 :p

I figured I'd respond to your bumb. And, this just in, as of 4:25 CST of Nov. 18th, 76% of people have never heard of +r_fastzreject!

Majority ;)
I'll start.

City 17 timedemo

1280*1024, turned off AA and AF, everything else set to highest quality, including driver options. Running 67.02 beta drivers

Bumrush said:
Brent, what about your system? What are you getting? Are you using the test FX53 system?

Sure, I'll play along.

This is my personal system which I am using to play HL2 myself.

Pentium 4C @ 3.3GHz
2GB DDR400
GeForce 6800Ultra flashed to 450/1200
WD 76GB Raptor
Seagate 200GB
M-Audio Revolution 7.1
Logitech Z-560
ForceWare 66.93

I am playing HL2 with these settings:

All Ops DISABLED (Off) in the driver control panel so "Highest Quality" in the Image Settings option.

In HL2 I'm running at 1280x1024 4XAA/16XAF with Reflect All, all highest settings in the game, maxed out.

I used the timedemos I created

hard_canals_01 = 71.13 FPS
hard_coast_03 = 64.40 FPS
hard_canals_09 = 40.53 FPS
hard_c17_12 = 55.54

I'm probably going to install the 67.02 drivers, that should help performance. Canals 09 seems to be slow because of water on Reflect All, the 67.02 drivers may help with that.

Anyways, I'm enjoying the game at these settings, and it is very pretty.
Had my CPU @ stock speeds 2.2 ghz
the GPU @ 525/575


4x anti, 8x AA

0 anti, Trilinear


4x anti, 8x AA

0 anti, Trilinear
A64 3200+ (newcastle 754)
1 GB PC3200 RAM
120 MB Hitachi HD
Evga GF6800 LE @ 425/1125
Audigy 2 ZS
Resolution: 1280x960 with 4xAA, 16xAF
Sound: 5.1 with hardware
Vsych: disabled
Drivers: 66.93

hard_c17_12 = 65.3
hard_canals_09 = 55.1
at_canals_08 = 71.3
at_c17_12 = 53.6
at_coast_05 = 84.8
at_coast_12 = 73.3

I ran the canals01 demo,

Athlon 2500-M @ 2.5ghz
1 gig Corsair pc3200
Abit NF7-S

Ran both 1024x768 and 1280x1024 highest settings 4xA 8xAF

I get 88 fps with both settings, 20 fps less than the hardocp article.
Brent_Justice said:
thanks Kern!

OMGWTFBBQ! Brent Justice talked to me! :p

Anyway, just did some benches because I'm a whore. Here's what I got:

hard_canals_01 = 83.29 FPS
hard_coast_03 = 84.55 FPS
hard_canals_09 = 75.45 FPS
hard_c17_12 = 57.87 FPS

And here's ma system:

P4 3.0C @ 3.45
1 GB PC2700 Corsair XMS (2-3-3-5 @ 368DDR)
BFG 6800 OC (16 pipes, 6 vertex shaders @ 390/781)
Maxtor (old) 40 gig
SB Live! 5.1
umm... headphones?
Forceware 67.02

Running with everything on high, reflect world, 1024x768, 4xAA 8xAF with high quality textures in control panel.

I need to reinstall windows on my new ata133 Maxtor 200 gig, Windows is starting to chug. I've been meaning to reinstall for a while... but that means I have to DL HL2 again... I'll beat HL2 then reformat :p. It's not like my system is unplayable!
Kern said:
I need to reinstall windows on my new ata133 Maxtor 200 gig, Windows is starting to chug. I've been meaning to reinstall for a while... but that means I have to DL HL2 again... I'll beat HL2 then reformat :p. It's not like my system is unplayable!

You know you can backup the HL2 files and save yourself a lot of the download time if you format no? Try typing steam://backup into your browser, it'll even span across multiple CDs/DVDs I believe. :cool:
Impulse said:
You know you can backup the HL2 files and save yourself a lot of the download time if you format no? Try typing steam://backup into your browser, it'll even span across multiple CDs/DVDs I believe. :cool:

or just copy the entire SteamApps folder
OK this is the 4 [H]ardOCP demos at 1600x1200, 4xAA 8xAF, ATI control panel to "high quality", Vsync OFF, using the Cat 12's. Card is clocked to default XT-PE speeds of 520/560, it is a VIVO modded with the Gigabyte XT-PE bios running all 16 pipes flawlessly. All demos ran twice and average taken of the 2 runs...HL2 in game settings of high and water to "reflect world".


This next set is CatalystMaker's demos....very intensive as you can tell by the lower frame rates, some of them use alot of flashlight which seems to knock fps down alot...

Try our Canals_09 demo with Reflect All instead of Reflect World. I'm curious to see how that drops performance on ATI cards TheRapture.
Brent_Justice said:
Try our Canals_09 demo with Reflect All instead of Reflect World. I'm curious to see how that drops performance on ATI cards TheRapture.

Going to do it right now....
OK, with "reflect world" I get:


And with "reflect all" I get:


8fps drop...less than I was thinking....
I'll run these demos as soon as HL2 finishes downloading. That little Steam backup bullshit didn't work. I tried about 5 times. On the second CD (there were 5) it stops responding. Oh how I love Steam.
ok i just skimmed the thread and have yet to see a last gen card FX or otherwise, so i'll toss my results in the mix on the results.

Mobile Barton @ 2400Mhz 200x12 (will do 2500, might have to get around to that)
1Gig Corsair @ 2-2-2-5
9800Pro @ 425/385 running 4.11's
NF7-S rev2
etc etc, lotsa hard drive space ;)

kk, now settings/results:

all tests were run 3 times and averaged. control panel settings were set to app preference and 4xAA/16xAF was selected in game. all game setttings were set to max except reflections, which was on "reflect world" running 1280x1024 resolution. i think that about covers it :p

hard_canals_long: 60.57fps
hard_coast_long: 57.00fps
hard_c17: 57.00fps
hard_canals_09: 34.91fps

not too bad considering the resolution and IQ settings IMO. game looks awesome, worth the wait if you ask me.
Spiff1333 said:
Anyone? Thanks.

they go in half-life2/hl2 folder (don't know if you're using STEAM or not, but that's that generic folder). If it's in Steam, you need to go to SteamApps/youre-mail/ then it'll give it to you.

To run it, type "timedemo whateverdemo" without the quotes.
I'm pretty impressed with my system's performance.

City 17 demo: 53 fps
Canals demo: 29 fps (damn water reflect)

I'm running at 1024x768 4xAA 16xAF everything on MAX!
Me= 2500+ stock 512MB abit NF7-S 2.0, 64MB 8500
Hl2 settings= 5.1 surround, texture detail- medium, model detail- medium, water reflection- simple, shadow detail- high, shader detail- high, 1024 res, no fsaa, 16AF,.
demos used-
22472 frames 353.119 seconds 63.64 fps 5.205 fps variability
vsync was disabled.. so fps could be a lil higher I guess, but res at 800x600, which was default.
next one at 1024
timedemo hardocptimedemo_coast03
27484 frames 522.010 seconds 52.65 fps 3.984 fps variability
Now to find settings which make the game look better, but still maintain >40 fps.
Ok.. Need a little help here. I tried doing this as scientifically as I could... but here goes.

Odd results for me on the City 17 demo ( hard_c17_12.dem ) :

At 1024x768 x 4AA / 16AF / High Models / Medium Texture I get..... Roughly 32fps.
At 1024x768 x 4AA / 8AF / High Models / Medium Texture I get..... Roughly 32fps.
At 1024x768 x 2AA / 16AF / High Models / Medium Texture I get..... Roughly 32fps.
At 1024x768 x 0AA / 0AF / High Models / Medium Texture I get... you guessed it. ~32fps.

Now. That's all OC'd at 360/285 on my softmodded 9500 non-pro ( Omega Driver v2.5.58 )

So I find this all a little strange and try some further tests.

No OC, AA, AF. Using High Models, Medium Texture. ~32fps.

1024x768 Resolution :
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF = ~33fps ( variable though... so still the same )
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, Medium Models and Texture - ~32 fps.
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, Low EVERYTHING = ~35 FPS ( again with the variable )

800x600 Resolution :
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, Low EVERYTHING = ~35 FPS

640x480 Resolution
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, Low EVERYTHING = ~35 FPS

Now... Just to see if what else I could test. I loaded up the Canal demo.

640x480 Resolution
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, Low EVERYTHING = ~52 FPS ( Using Simple Reflections )

1024x768 Resolution
OC @ 360/285, No AA/AF, High Models, Medium Texture, Simple Reflections = ~37FPS

So... Why do changes I make not improve the City 17 speeds? Any idea?
Also, just so I can reverify, what's the easiest way to make sure the 8 pipes are in fact, enabled? ( They always enabled before, but I did run in to some driver hopping a few days ago )
Is there any kind of demo or whatever I can use to see how good my computer will perform with out hl2?
My results. Specs in sig. 4.12 betas. AA/AF off, everything maxed in drivers and in game except "reflect world" rather than "reflect all":

timedemo hard_canals_09
5868 frames 59.432 seconds 98.73 fps 6.690 fps variability

timedemo hard_c17_12
7573 frames 97.650 seconds 77.55 fps 6.192 fps variability

timedemo hardocptimedemo_canals01
22472 frames 231.482 seconds 97.08 fps 9.153 fps variability

timedemo hardocptimedemo_coast03
27484 frames 274.986 seconds 99.95 fps 8.117 fps variability

CS: Source Stress Test
123.44 fps
Brent_Justice said:
I've put together a ZIP file of two new timedemos I have created in Half Life 2. One is in the d1_canals_09 map and the other in the d3_c17_12 map. These are shorter than our timedemos used in the HL2 Benchmark Article, but they are more intense.

Don't forget to go to our article to find the links to download the two long timedemos used in that article:

If you don't mind share this package, don't leech off of my personal webspace, others host this as well please, thanks.

This is an exclusive for Hardforum goers ;)

Download the ZIP file HERE


Hey Brent_Justice, those demos won't work with the new build of HL2 dated Dec. 2. Can you create some more with the new build?