Networking website? Just for networking?


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2004
I am thinking of making a networking website. Where you can get help on just networking. Cisco Linksys netgeart..... all the companys. It would be a forum like this and I am thinking Because networkforum is already taken :D Tell me what you guys think and who would like to help out? Thanks!
Why don't you join in the networkforums anyway? There's already plenty of sites out there but ... IMO, no offense-- you making another one only makes it mundane and complex... (or something).

GeForceX said:
Why don't you join in the networkforums anyway? There's already plenty of sites out there but ... IMO, no offense-- you making another one only makes it mundane and complex... (or something).


Can you list them? Just for networking ones? Thanks!
draconius said:

Ha Ha Ha. You are a funny one... :D Yea but I want a site just for networking or soemthing. I have a vbulletin owned lisence and my site does not really use the forums that much anymore and I would move that forum to phpbb or something then use my vbulletin lisence for new site.
So I guess making a networking website would be pointless?

Darn I really wanted to do this. I love networking and I am going to be going to school for networking soon! Thanks everyone!