Bfg 6800 Gt Oc Help!!!

[BB] Rick James

[H]ard Dawg
Apr 4, 2004
My card seems to give me graphical glitches here and there while playing games. It's almost like shadows or parts of the map flash here and there. At first i thought maybe it was heat related but I took the heat sink off and replaced it with some artic silver and my temps are now lower because of it; however the issue still persists. I have NOTHING on my PC over clocked everything is running nice and cool. The graphical glitches I first notice them in UT2004 and then I started noticing them in FarCry as well.

I'm running the latest nForce drivers (chipset) and the 61.71 ForceWare drivers. I've also tried 61.36's and the 61.45's and they all have hte problem. Did I get a defective card or what do you guys think? I'm running directX 9.0C but I get teh issue with DirectX 9.0b as well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Well the shadow issues are a known Far Cry bug. Try forcing the R300 path and see what happens [you'll still get glitches but hopefully they'll be different ones so you'll know it's not your card].

As for UT, I know that Jackup can't run that game unless his Ultra is at stock speeds [even the slightest OC makes the game crash for him]. However, he's the only one I know about who has this issue so...good luck?
Vagrant Zero said:
Well the shadow issues are a known Far Cry bug. Try forcing the R300 path and see what happens [you'll still get glitches but hopefully they'll be different ones so you'll know it's not your card].

As for UT, I know that Jackup can't run that game unless his Ultra is at stock speeds [even the slightest OC makes the game crash for him]. However, he's the only one I know about who has this issue so...good luck?

How do you force the R300 patch in FarCry?
FlyinBrian said:
or you could clock your card at default speeds and see if it fixes the artifacts

Well it appears as though the problem with UT2004 is a patch problem with nVidia cards and the FarCry issue appears to be an issue that is going to be fixed soon as well.

At least it's not the card that is going bad. I'm going to install BF Vietnam and see what the card does with that game. The 2 games I mainly play have issues with them; that worries me. :(
yeh, well if it was just 1 game you might have nothing to worry about but the fact more than 1 is seeing artifacts... maybe a valid concern.. try a few more games out... then do as i suggested by clocking it to spec nvidia GT values, if it fixes it then my assumption would be that that BFG's QA department didnt catch it..
FlyinBrian said:
yeh, well if it was just 1 game you might have nothing to worry about but the fact more than 1 is seeing artifacts... maybe a valid concern.. try a few more games out... then do as i suggested by clocking it to spec nvidia GT values, if it fixes it then my assumption would be that that BFG's QA department didnt catch it..

The only two games I'm getting the issues are in UT2004 (which it apears to a commom issue with anyone with a nVidia graphics card) and FarCry. Other 6800 users seem to be experiencing the issues as well. So I'm thinking it's not just me. However I will try more games.

I do know that Pain Killer runs flawlessly but I'm going to try BF Vietnam and Raven Shield. I will post back with my experiences with them in a bit.

Here is the FarCry issue with the 6800 series card.
Well I'm getting the same issue in BF Vietnam as well. I'm wondering if it's not the card then?......The same graphical glitches are appearing in that game as well. This leads me to believe it's my card then?

Can someone convince me otherwise?
sucks for you... dissapointing from a 400 dollar price tag eh ? nah seriously.. forest gump had it right, you never know what your gonna to get :eek:
FlyinBrian said:
sucks for you... dissapointing from a 400 dollar price tag eh ? nah seriously.. forest gump had it right, you never know what your gonna to get :eek:

What a nice and helpful post. :rolleyes:

FarCry is messed up, we know that. The 1.2 patch fixes it. If your card is defective, you have a lifetime warranty with BFG so they have it covered. If you see artifacts in many different games and the nvidia demos, its probably defective. Try calling BFG, they will set you up with an RMA if there is a problem.
tranCendenZ said:
What a nice and helpful post. :rolleyes:

FarCry is messed up, we know that. The 1.2 patch fixes it. If your card is defective, you have a lifetime warranty with BFG so they have it covered. If you see artifacts in many different games and the nvidia demos, its probably defective. Try calling BFG, they will set you up with an RMA if there is a problem.

Is there a sure fire way I can test this to make sure it's not the card and it is just a driver issue or something?

I'll run some demos and post back what happens. If the demos are good to go then I'm really at a loss as to what it is. Maybe I'll reformat and not install SP2 and just go with SP1. I did try SP1 but I previously had SP2 installed so maybe there was a presense of SP2 lingering somewhere. Well I'll try the demos and post back what happened.
tranCendenZ said:
What a nice and helpful post. :rolleyes:

FarCry is messed up, we know that. The 1.2 patch fixes it. If your card is defective, you have a lifetime warranty with BFG so they have it covered. If you see artifacts in many different games and the nvidia demos, its probably defective. Try calling BFG, they will set you up with an RMA if there is a problem.

read my prior posts jackass, i was the one in here giving him advice i didnt see you say anything but something about farcry, had you bothered to read the other post you would see he was getting artifacts in other games besides friggin farcry.. and my last comment does stand, it does suck, and i feel for em... now go sit down and think before you post again... :rolleyes:
FlyinBrian said:
read my prior posts jackass, i was the one in here giving him advice i didnt see you say anything but something about farcry, had you bothered to read the other post you would see he was getting artifacts in other games besides friggin farcry.. and my last comment does stand, it does suck, and i feel for em... now go sit down and think before you post again... :rolleyes:

Guys, Guys Guys.... Lets hug.... Ready one....two...three.... Aw I feel better already and I'm the one with the graphics card issues. ;)

Ok so I ran some nVidia Demos and they run smooth as shit with NO artifacts. This leads me to beleive now that I don't actually have a problem with my card; but soemthing else is creating it
try using a driver cleaner and then re installing the drivers, NFR - nasty file remover is a good one, i dont have a link but it should be easy to find. Also just for kicks enable Vsync and run the games again and see if that helps at all.
FlyinBrian said:
read my prior posts jackass, i was the one in here giving him advice i didnt see you say anything but something about farcry, had you bothered to read the other post you would see he was getting artifacts in other games besides friggin farcry.. and my last comment does stand, it does suck, and i feel for em... now go sit down and think before you post again... :rolleyes:

Right. Your comments make no sense. I've bought $3000+ Home Theater gear that was defective. That's the way electronics work, sometimes they come broken, and worse comes to worse he gets BFG to send him a new card. Not a big deal. Your attitude and language is unnecessary.

Rick: try looping 3dmark03, rthdribl, or other intensive apps that are known to work ok. If you want the least number of glitches in games I'd suggest using the drivers that came on the CD with your card and DX9.0b.
I told him to set his card at default speeds to see if that fixes it
To check other games to make sure it just isnt one having problems
And to use a driver cleaner and re install just to double check...

if you cant understand then i am sorry for you... he understood me so thats all that matters.
tranCendenZ said:
Right. Your comments make no sense. I've bought $3000+ Home Theater gear that was defective. That's the way electronics work, sometimes they come broken, and worse comes to worse he gets BFG to send him a new card. Not a big deal. Your attitude and language is unnecessary.

Heh some people, my attitude ? you flame my post and expect me not to defend myself ?
Please... i am not sure exactly what comments dont make sense to you, if you could clarify what it is maybe i can go into detail and break it down for you into easier to understand pieces.
Tran doesn't make to many friends here, unless you own a Nvidia card.

I would say that it's probably going to be an issue with some previous driver conflict. You might want to try to reformat as your last resort before sending the card back.
I just enjoy helping people, doesnt make a difference to me what card they own... i thought my advice was sound..
[BB] Rick James said:
Is there a sure fire way I can test this to make sure it's not the card and it is just a driver issue or something?

Play a Dx7 game?

tranCendenZ said:

Even better loop this for a bit, its a homebrew demo that doesn't have many advanced dx features.

Well I've let this loop for a bit now and no grahical glitches are present. So since we have narrowed this down I'm going to assume it's either A) Some directX issue, B) some driver conflict, or C) God hates me.

What nForce drivers should I use? Does anyone else make the nForce 3 chipset drivers for the Gigabyte K8N Pro? Could they be at fault here?

I'm going to assume it's something fucking stupid with DirectX.
Ok here is what I'm going to do. I'm going to reformat using DirectX 9.0b and the drivers that came on my BFG CD that came with my card. If I'm still getting the graphical issues them I'm going to assume it's something else interrfearing.

By the way when I first bought the card games wouldn't run until I went into my bios and disabled "Fast Writes". After doing so everything ran fine. Is this a bios issue?

One guy mentioned turning my AGP speed to 4X; he says it fixed some issues with the X800 Pro's and it doesn't hinder performance.

Also some are saying that it's an overclocking issue maybe? But the BFG's are overclocked out of the box. I never had this issue with the 5900 XT OC BFG card though so I'm assuming maybe that's not the issue. Or the card can't handle the overclock they gave it. :(
If you feel the card is the problem, call BFG and get an RMA. They have an excellent RMA service. You might want to call them with all the stuff you've tried and ask them what to do.
did you disable the correct irq in the bios that your card uses by default, this is a little known issue it seems but take my gf 2 gts for example, irq 10 if I disable it in the bios it works just fine but if I dont it freezes randomly and what-not.

[BB] Rick James said:
Guys, Guys Guys.... Lets hug.... Ready one....two...three.... Aw I feel better already and I'm the one with the graphics card issues. ;)

Ok so I ran some nVidia Demos and they run smooth as shit with NO artifacts. This leads me to beleive now that I don't actually have a problem with my card; but soemthing else is creating it

I would reinstall DX 9 and your chipset driver, just to rule those two out.
Sniper_Merc said:
I would reinstall DX 9 and your chipset driver, just to rule those two out.

Well right now I'm back from re-formatting. I have the drivers from my BFG Cd installed, I have the most recent nForce chipset drivers installed and I'm just using DirectX 9.0b.

I'm going to get a game or two installed (I'm curently installing UT2004) and I'm going to see how that goes. Then I will go with FarCry; however I think the FArCry is a known issue and that will happen no matter what. However I will get UT2004 up and going and BF Vietnam running and I'll see if I see the glitches in them. If I don't I'll do the windows updates (all 8 million of them) and go from there.

I was reading in the BFG trouble shooting area that if glitches or lockups ocur to try to install the most recent "AGP Minni Port" drivers. Now wouldn't I have already done this if I installed the most recent nForce 3 chipset driver?
Ok since my reformat I've installed UT2004 and I played it for about 20 minutes on some maps the distortions were ocurring and everything is fine. No graphics issues and the game is running great! I did NOT patch the game though. So I'm going to do that and see where I end up.

I'll report back soon.

Oh BTW I also switched my AGP in my bios to 4X. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it but I figured it was worth a shot. I'll install the patch for UT2004 and play it to see if everything is still cool. If everything is still cool I'll switch it back to 8X in my bios and try it again.

Process of elimination my dear Watson.
WEll I'm back again.... No graphical glitches of any kind with the 3236 UT2004. I'm still running my bios AGP at 4X. I'm going to install BF Vietnam and see what that game does before I switch my AGP back to 8X.
I think I fixed the problem. UT2004 and BF Vietnam (2 games where graphical corruptions were occuring) has been stopped. Both game are running smooth as nutts.

Thanks everyone for their advice! I'm going to game now!
[BB] Rick James said:
I think I fixed the problem. UT2004 and BF Vietnam (2 games where graphical corruptions were occuring) has been stopped. Both game are running smooth as nutts.

Thanks everyone for their advice! I'm going to game now!

Try flipping Fast Writes and AGP 8x Back on in bios, see if it starts happening again. Would be interested to know if those were the problem or not.
Sniper_Merc said:
Try flipping Fast Writes and AGP 8x Back on in bios, see if it starts happening again. Would be interested to know if those were the problem or not.

I turned Fast Writes back on and my games would locke up. I turned AGP 8X back on and the glitches started to appear again. I then turned them both back off and all issues went away.

Who needs to fix this issue? Gigabyte or BFG?
they both need to get in conjunction and find the problem.

I wouldn't worry about the 8x thing cause 8x doesn't help much anyhow ~5% perf increase
[BB] Rick James said:
I turned Fast Writes back on and my games would locke up. I turned AGP 8X back on and the glitches started to appear again. I then turned them both back off and all issues went away.

Who needs to fix this issue? Gigabyte or BFG?

If AGP8x/fastwrites are giving you problems its likely a motherboard issue.

One of the reasons I like going with Intel motherboards is that stuff like AGP always works right; in the past, when I had VIA chipset motherboards I often had to lower the AGP setting to get videocards to work right.
tranCendenZ said:
If AGP8x/fastwrites are giving you problems its likely a motherboard issue.

One of the reasons I like going with Intel motherboards is that stuff like AGP always works right; in the past, when I had VIA chipset motherboards I often had to lower the AGP setting to get videocards to work right.

WEll guys after leaving my PC on over night I booted up UT and the same graphical issues were present. My hard drive is in a position in my case that doesn't get much breathing room at all. In fact the hard drive does get pretty hot where it is. Do you guys think this is a hard drive heat issue?

The more I play games the more the issue happens.
Yo Rick James Beeeeotch, I'd say it could be the hard drive heat issue since I burned my hand on your case right above your hard drive. Either that or it is a FNG isuue... :cool:
[BB] Rick James said:
WEll guys after leaving my PC on over night I booted up UT and the same graphical issues were present. My hard drive is in a position in my case that doesn't get much breathing room at all. In fact the hard drive does get pretty hot where it is. Do you guys think this is a hard drive heat issue?

The more I play games the more the issue happens.

Got any pics of open side of yer case rick?
Hom@R said:
Yo Rick James Beeeeotch, I'd say it could be the hard drive heat issue since I burned my hand on your case right above your hard drive. Either that or it is a FNG isuue... :cool:


AT this point I'm leaning towards it being the hard drive overheating during game play you little commie biiaaatch. :)

I've reformatted, ran demos and determined that it's not DirectX 9.0b or 9.0c causing the issue and I think I've determined that it's not my video card causing the problem.

I would think if it's a driver issue it would happen more frequent then what it does. I'll move the hard drive tonight and see if that solves the problem.

It does seem as though the longer I play games the more it will happen. If I start the PC up from a cold boot and play games I won't see any glitches until 10 - 15 minutes of playing.
[BB] Rick James said:

AT this point I'm leaning towards it being the hard drive overheating during game play you little commie biiaaatch. :)

I've reformatted, ran demos and determined that it's not DirectX 9.0b or 9.0c causing the issue and I think I've determined that it's not my video card causing the problem.

I would think if it's a driver issue it would happen more frequent then what it does. I'll move the hard drive tonight and see if that solves the problem.

It does seem as though the longer I play games the more it will happen. If I start the PC up from a cold boot and play games I won't see any glitches until 10 - 15 minutes of playing.

Thats indicating a heat problem. Pull the card out of the case, check to make sure all the screws are holding onto the heatsink, check to make sure the ramsinks are getting good contact with the white thermal pads and the ramsinks.

For trial, take the side off the case and get a big fan blowing right on the card, alternately get an 80-120 mm fan mounted so it blows right on the gpu and ramsinks.

One other posibility is your northbridge is overheating as well, if its got a fan on it make sure its working, if necessary pop the heatsink off the northbridge and make sure its making contact with thermal grease.

Another thing to check for heat, the south bridge, just put a finger on it and see how hot it is. I've seen southbridges get really hot and cause all sorts of weird problems in a puter.