

Jan 5, 2004
I'm relatively new to overclocking and haven't got to grips with all the terminology/settings yet. So, can anyone help me and tell me what PAT is? Should I enable it & how to do so?

My system consists of the following:

Asus P4C800E-Deluxe
Intel P4 3.0gb (800mhz)
Mushkin 2 x 512 3500 L2
Leadtek FX5950

pat is a technology for 875 mobos that increases overall performance by 3-5%. the 865 implements a technology known as gat, or gaming accelaration tech.
It's for DDR400 (PC3200) or greater, in conjunction with a 800 mhz FSB CPU. It allows the RAM and CPU to run synchronously at 1:1 with the RAM on a 2x multiplier and CPU on 4x multiplier.
Thanks for that jamestime88.

Anyone know how to enable/disable it on the P4C800-E Deluxe? There are two bios settings that look like they may be related...'Performance Mode' and 'Performance Acceleration Mode'.
Performance Acceleration Mode

To clarify, not all i865PE chipsets have 'gat', and some have it under a different name.
Originally posted by yabadaba
Thanks for that jamestime88.

Anyone know how to enable/disable it on the P4C800-E Deluxe? There are two bios settings that look like they may be related...'Performance Mode' and 'Performance Acceleration Mode'.

If you have a P4C800, then I don't think there is a way to disable PAT since it is an automatic function of the chipset. The p4C is based on the i875P chipset which natively supports PAT. The P4P series is based on the i865P chipset which does NOT natively support PAT, but through some nice BIOS tricks the different manufacturers have come up with it (or something very like it) can be enabled through bios options (Asus is calling it MAM - Memory Acceleration Mode. Abit calls it GAT - Game Accelerator Tech., etc...)

why would you want to disable it if it gives a performance boost????
Originally posted by nst6563
why would you want to disable it if it gives a performance boost????

Apparently it can cause instability with some motherboard and memory combinations. I've seen other posts where people have been advised to either disable or set such performance boosters to auto and then overclock manually.

CPU-Z reports that performance mode is disabled if I set both the 'Performance Mode' and 'Performance Acceleration Mode' to auto. But, if either is set to turbo or enabled, respectively, then it reports that performance mode is enabled. I guess one of these is switching PAT on and off.
No. The manual is pretty useless as far as explaining the effect of the different settings goes. It just lists the options for each. As far as I can see the auto setting seems to disable PAT as both CPU-Z and the new version of Memtest-86 verify this.

I've now tried a whole series of benchmarks / memory tests and the results seem to be favourable with either one or the other or both of the settings I mention enabled.

Basically, what bugs me is that I don't know exactly what these performance settings do! I can see the results, but don't know what has produced them.
You most certainly can disable/Enable PAT. My P4C800 Deluxe has it disabled by default. To use it I had to enable it in BIOS. I'd have to look at my CMOS when I get home to remember where the setting is. But it is definately something that can be turned on or off.

And yes the manual sucks.
Originally posted by yabadaba
Apparently it can cause instability with some motherboard and memory combinations. I've seen other posts where people have been advised to either disable or set such performance boosters to auto and then overclock manually.

CPU-Z reports that performance mode is disabled if I set both the 'Performance Mode' and 'Performance Acceleration Mode' to auto. But, if either is set to turbo or enabled, respectively, then it reports that performance mode is enabled. I guess one of these is switching PAT on and off.

I got an MSI neo2 I865 mobo with Corsair ram.
Whenever GAT/PAT is enable, my computer reboot by itself after a while. I just disable it and I overclock manually.
I've got an Asus P4P800 and I have PAT/MAM enabled and Turbo on...not a problem yet and o/cing my 2.4b to 3.25 with no sweat and default voltage. L-O-V-E I-T !
well i dont think anyone answered your question on how to enable pat. Its just labeled as Performance mode. On auto it wont do it. I actually just set mine to "standard" and it worked when i checked it in cpuz, i have never set it to "enable" so I dont know the difference but setting it to "standard" gives you the 2-2-2-5 timings and 1:1 FSB:DRAM.
I have a P4C800 Deluxe and there is nothing about disabling or enabling PAT in the BIOS. Only "Performance Acceleration Mode" which if you took it for an acronym would be "PAM" not "PAT". PAT cannot be enabled or disabled at least on my model, if its on it's using PAT.
Performance Accelerating Technology (PAT) is a term used by Intel to describe a feature of the 875 chipset that sets it apart from the i865PE.

Asus simply made it toggleable and called it "Performance Acceleration Mode" (PAM) and offers an option to enable of disable it in the BIOS, under Advanced, in the Chipset menu.

it is just semantics really.