Another Adobe Security Bulletin

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Adobe, the number one manufacturer of critical vulnerabilities in the world, announced yesterday that it has released another patch for Adobe Flash Player.

  • Adobe Flash Player Desktop Runtime and earlier Windows and Macintosh
  • Adobe Flash Player Extended Support Release and earlier Windows and Macintosh
  • Adobe Flash Player for Google Chrome and earlier Windows, Macintosh, Linux and ChromeOS
  • Adobe Flash Player for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 and earlier Windows 10
  • Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer 11 and earlier Windows 8.1
  • Adobe Flash Player for Linux and earlier Linux
  • AIR Desktop Runtime and earlier Windows and Macintosh
  • AIR SDK and earlier Windows, Macintosh, Android and iOS
  • AIR SDK & Compiler and earlier Windows, Macintosh, Android and iOS
Vulnerability Details
These updates resolve a type confusion vulnerability that could lead to code execution (CVE-2016-0985).
These updates resolve use-after-free vulnerabilities that could lead to code execution (CVE-2016-0973, CVE-2016-0974, CVE-2016-0975, CVE-2016-0982, CVE-2016-0983, CVE-2016-0984).
These updates resolve a heap buffer overflow vulnerability that could lead to code execution (CVE-2016-0971).
These updates resolve memory corruption vulnerabilities that could lead to code execution (CVE-2016-0964, CVE-2016-0965, CVE-2016-0966, CVE-2016-0967, CVE-2016-0968, CVE-2016-0969, CVE-2016-0970, CVE-2016-0972, CVE-2016-0976, CVE-2016-0977, CVE-2016-0978, CVE-2016-0979, CVE-2016-0980, CVE-2016-0981).

I can't wait to see the Flash post mortem in a couple of years where Adobe explains how they managed to have so many vulnerabilities over such a long period of time in one piece of software.
man that sucks, you need Adobe Flash Player for a lot of things and i didn't know it was that bad...

Really? It's been one of the biggest sources of computer vulnerabilities since... ever. It's honestly kind of amazing that something primarily used for animations and crap can even have so many vulnerabilities.
Flash. Flash never changes.

"Vulnerabilities in Flash" is the tech-world version of "Violence in the Middle-East".
Flash ahhahh, shittest framework in the universe
Just because I am lazy and don't know, is there a better alternative for one to use than adobe flash? Something even a little bit secure?
they've been releasing monthly Flash updates along with Windows Update for years now
Just because I am lazy and don't know, is there a better alternative for one to use than adobe flash? Something even a little bit secure?

Not to play Flash content.

Personally I haven't used flash in more than 4 years and it's never really been an issue. Once YouTube ditched it I really had no need for it. If I site required it for some reason I would load it up on a virtual machine and uninstall it after.