Volvo Wants Robots To Help On Trash Day


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
Garbage collection may be an inglorious job, but it’s also dangerous one, so making robots take out the trash makes sense to me. Hopefully, Volvo also makes a robot that will shoot litterers on sight.

ROAR stands for RObot-based Autonomous Refuse Handling. The system has two main parts: robots that can transport trash bins and also a high-tech garbage truck (more like a mothership) where the garbage man controls the robots on a dashboard.
I can hear Steve yelling somewhere in the background, "ROBOTS ARE GOING TO TRASH US ALL!!!"
Litterers sicken me. Just the other day I saw a n***er chuck a glass bottle out his window into the road as if was nothing.
Litterers sicken me. Just the other day I saw a ... chuck a glass bottle out his window into the road as if was nothing.

A lot of smokers are the same way. They must think cigarette butts biodegrade within minutes.
Litterers sicken me. Just the other day I saw a n***er chuck a glass bottle out his window into the road as if was nothing.

Recenty, I saw two women drive through a parking lot and one of them chucked a dirty diaper out the window. What's next? Shit out an open window while the car is moving?
Recenty, I saw two women drive through a parking lot and one of them chucked a dirty diaper out the window. What's next? Shit out an open window while the car is moving?

Might of been done. A few years ago I saw someone in a SUV open back liftgate window, just pull it out and started pissing while the driver was doing about 70mph. At the time it was hilarious since he was clearly drunk.