Astronomers Predict Fireworks From Rare Stellar Encounter in 2018

So now nasal has the budget and time to make trailers for stellar events...
I didn't hear how far away the pulsar is. The intersection probably already happened. Might have been thousands or millions of years ago. The radiation emitted just won't be here until 2018.
I love their sense of humour. 'No data were harmed...', 'We're going to need a bigger hard drive..'
I didn't hear how far away the pulsar is. The intersection probably already happened. Might have been thousands or millions of years ago. The radiation emitted just won't be here until 2018.
Well the nearest pulsar is 280 light years away, so yeah I'd say it already happened, many times in fact :D

And didn't realize that Christopher Nolan was directing trailers for NASA now.
whats the system name might have to fly out there in Elite later...
Then the Eve Gate appears and suddenly we all have Caldari used ship salesmen trying to sell us an Ibis for 1,000,000,000.01ISK
Sounds like a whole lot of energy would be released.

Glad it is 5000 ly away.
Unfortunately unless you have a gamma ray, x-ray, radio telescope, or won't see anything.