Intel SSD 750 1.2TB not playing nice with SLI Titan Xs


Oct 25, 2009
I updated the bios to 1401 and turned power surge protection OFF in the mobo settings and now everything is working hunky dory ;-)

My system used to be rock solid stable until I installed the 750. I am running a 5960x on a RVE with Titan X SLI. The titans, mobo & 5960x are all under water so temps are not an issue.

I have the titans in PCI slots 1 & 3 and have tried the 750 in slots 2 & now 4, but get the same results. I can't even overclock my gpus with Precision X anymore as that results in an immediate system crash once I boot a game....and if I do not OC the GPUs with Precision X I still get a sysem crash, it just takes a little bit longer.

I get some message telling me about voltage / power and the RVE had to shut everything down for safety. I will get the exact terminology next time it happens.

Is there anything I can do to solve this?
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Check your manual to see what PCIe slots are shared - likely a conflict there. That's one reason I didn't buy one of those. Plus, the fact that it'd mess with airflow.
Unfortunately, you have been introduced to the world of enterprise-grade hardware on consumer (even prosumer in this case) boards. With the exception of their "Workstation" and server-specific boards, the SLI/CLX (Especially >2 Way) are so tweaked for overclocking and SLI they often have issues with HBA's and enterprise networking. First question is have you upgraded all your hardware to their latest respective BIOS/Firmware patches? Contact ASUS and try to get someone in engineering to talk to, but past experience with them (and others, including Gigabyte) has shown they will often tell you if you are using server hardware to buy server boards (which they will be happy to sell you.) Unfortunately, consumer boards have been hit and miss over the years when it comes to RAID cards, 10GBe, IB etc. The Asrock motherboards have been the most forgiving consumer boards that I have tried over the years when dealing with enterprise add-on boards, and they have been the most responsive with actually trying to help with making boards not on their QVL work up to and including BIOS updates for specific boards.
Thanks for the responses guys! I will update my mobo bios and let you all know if that helps.
I think your having a conflict because your running it in the 3.0 16x slot. For the hell of it try it in the 2.0 16x slot. Yes it will be slower but try it anyways.
I think your having a conflict because your running it in the 3.0 16x slot. For the hell of it try it in the 2.0 16x slot. Yes it will be slower but try it anyways.

It's a PCI-E 3.0 x4 card, so no, it won't be slower in a 2.0 16x slot (equivalent to a 3.0 x8 slot).
Well, for what its worth I was only getting "power" to this SSD when it was plugged into the red FULL PCIE slots on the Asus Rampage V Extreme mobo.

I tried the black slot and got nutttin, the LED lights would not even come on unless this sucker was plugged into the Full PCIE RED slots.