Introducing The Apple Watch Hand

"It's not a glitch if we can sell you a fix"
Sadly, when it comes to Apple, that's not a joke.
I was thinking "Down the tracks, not across them." But then I realized they were talking about using wrists after buying an Apple product in an entirely different way.
Well its been a while, but I'm now an Android convert. The watch and all its fluff (especially with the app that cant be removed) pissed me off as I'm a pebble user (And proudly support the watch.) Also, their engineering quality has been dropping IMHO. Got me a Samsung Galaxy S6 and forgot everything Apple.
"It's not a glitch if we can sell you a fix"
Sadly, when it comes to Apple, that's not a joke.

Back when Final Cut Pro users were initially forced to switch over to Final Cut X (which was essentially iMovie), the Conan post production team was LIVID and were churning out great videos like this one. Taking the piss out of Apple at Conan is a grudge turned tradition.