Ubuntu 14 04 can't access downloads via cli


Oct 7, 2001
Hey all,

I recently upgraded my Ubuntu server from 12.04 to 14.04. It was a major pain to get GRUB back working but now I have a new problem. Any files I download via Firefox can't be accessed by command line.

I.E: I downloaded owncloud-7.0.2.tar.bz. I then open terminal. I type: "tar -zxvf own" and hit tab and nothing... Double tab, nothing. I type out the whole file name and tar can't find the file. This is the same for any downloads. dpkg can't access a deb file.

"ls -all" will show the files with the expected permissions, but the text on the file name is red.

I've tried many files. Any ideas?

Red filename on black background is an orphaned symlink (i.e. directory listing points to a file/folder that's no longer found where it should be). If you get this on regular files it may indicate you have a corrupted filesystem. Fsck may fix it or you can try to recreate the whole downloads folder where your FF saves the files.
red text on black is also used in most flavours of linux for compressed files with bash. (aliased)