I delid my 4770k today, are these temps good?

Wow, 60c at 4.7ghz is insane. I can't believe how the Israelite intel corporation cheaped their way out of applying decent paste on the cpu.
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I think I am going to leave it at 4.7ghz for now until I find the right settings for 4.8ghz and beyond.

I would get 67c before the delid with stock CPU settings, the results after delid are amazing with liquid coolers.

I think the internal heat inside the CPU is finally breaking thru after the delid.
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My H105 is in the mail! :D Won't have the 4770K for a while still :(

What thermal compound are you using?
Wow, 60c at 4.7ghz is insane. I can't believe how the Israelite intel corporation cheaped their way out of applying decent paste on the cpu.

Delidding cooling improvements are more related to improving surface contact between die and heat sink than just adding magic TIM.
That voltage is nuts. 1.35v is ballsy. I want to try that but my temps are not good like yours--I'm jealous :). Those temps will go a lot higher with low ffts, though; you can just set prime 95 to use small fft numbers using the custom routine generator that pops up on loading p95, http://www.overclock.net/t/838244/prime95-a-quick-dirty-guide-to-the-custom-settings. What version of prime95 is that? 27.9 I'll wager--which means no avx2 (still your temps are way better than mine). If that is stable through low ffts you got a fantastic chip but check out what kind of temps you get with prime 28.5.

The 105 should be about the best performing AIO out there. Thick and loud. Is that full fans? I'm curious. God help me when DC comes out and I'm binning chips again.
it is 27.9, but I think this stress test is plenty because games and apps will never heat up the CPU more than this p95 test.

fans are sp120's that came in the box, they are not loud at all in my case.

1.35v is more than I need I think because all these tests are done with auto voltage settings, I will be doing OC with manual voltage settings later on.
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Show temps after at least 20min of prime.. not in 1 or 2 passes specially if you are using large fft or blend test, this Last one take some time (generally) after test 15-18 to heat up.
Show temps after at least 20min of prime.. not in 1 or 2 passes specially if you are using large fft or blend test, this Last one take some time (generally) after test 15-18 to heat up.

temps stay the same even after 1 hour of testing.
Yeah, the cooler is having no trouble at all. You should give 28.5 a try Troy, it sounds like you have golden chip. Even "just" 4.7 28.5 stable on low ffts for a couple hours I'd call that grade A prime. In any event you clearly got a good seating so don't mess with it :D

I'd ask:
What did you use? Is this direct die?
Coolab Liquid Pro?

I'm using CLP between die and IHS and then NT-H1 but after I cleaned off my original CLP (no idea why... the IHS moved around a bit and I figured oh, I need to redo that) I lost like... 8 degrees and I can't seem to get them back.
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CLP Liquid Ultra (applied on both the die and on the bottom of the IHS), used with paste that is pre-applied on the Corsair H105.

stock IHS
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ok, so I had time to do some small fft's, but this time I used manul OC, cpu uses a lot more voltage on auto so I will no longer be using auto.

4.4ghz with small fft's result: http://gyazo.com/f9a3a223eb145c1a9a6328b0bd621f8b

so yea, small fft's do stress the cpu a lot more than the default setting in Prime95, temps didn't change after 40 min of testing after the pic was taken and it is still running in the background.
I wonder if I should try clU instead next time, I'm out of clp. I did a 28.5 startup test on blend and I was around 65 degrees, so not as bad as I thought I was at. It would probably hit 80 degrees on small ffts though. Still, the same test before delidding was right at the throttle point at 46X, so this is much better.

If you think about it, it's in Intel's best interest for people to be delidding. Every time someone messes a chip up it's another sale (probably).