Cool Street View Project of the Day

I think it's an attempt to show depth or relative position of objects in the "real" world based on some fancy math :confused: If I look in my neighborhood I can see the street side trees mapped closer and houses further offset. Not sure about the usefulness unless there could be some sort of general fill to allow for more of a 3D view. Looks like too much spacing between points to me.
I'd bet this is some of the machine-vision work that is used in their autodrive project.

Their methodology appears fairly straight forward here too, snap a panorama and either a laser or radar depth map of the surroundings at the same time. Then position the colored pixels in 3-d space depending on the value of the corresponding pixel in the depth map. The wide gaps are there because the original POV didn't technically capture a pixel for that region of space. I'd bet they could adapt some kind of filter to fill in the gaps, but it wouldn't be technically accurate. The slider to change the point size is helpful though.

This would be an awesome way to generate game maps of real locations if the resolution was higher.