AutoHotKey Alternatives


Oct 11, 2011
So I am working with an Access based order processing system, where I process the same loop hundreds or thousands of times per day, and I currently have a system set up with AutoHotKey to run through the clicks as if I were there processing the orders myself.

What I am looking for is a script system that can run faster, hopefully in the background to process this cycle. Any suggestions or ideas that I could look in to? I have a decent understanding of Java and C++, so anything within those realms will work.

AutoIT for pretty much the same thing as AutoHotKey

Otherwise you should be able to hook the .dll and do stuff that way

I did something similar with python for excel when I needed to format a bunch of files (edit: I needed to download pywin32 for this)

import sys
import win32com.client as win32
import pythoncom

Excel = win32.Dispatch('Excel.Application')  #  This will load the excel.exe application
workBook = excel.Workbooks.Open("C:\\test.xls")  # open up the file

Then you can do workbook stuff with workBook.ActiveSheet.Range("A1")..........etcetc

Should be same thing with access


heres some info on using c# to do it
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Doesn't Access have some kind of interface with VBA? I know my Outlook at work does. I've set up a script to auto sort and parse some information out of some of my emails. Currently I have to run that manually but it can be turned into a rule (I'm just too lazy).

I would check out VBA... though honestly I hate the language personally, but it does work. And the functionality and IDE for it is usually built right into MS products (though it's kind of tucked away in the back these days; you have to look for it).
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AutoIt is very similar but I really would suggest looking into a way of automating it with VBA.