*DEAD* eVGA GTX 780 Superclocked $360 at Amazon

Now there's a screw up.

Non-reference cooler... oh well I ordered one for kicks. :cool:
Holy snap, this is tempting me to sell my Titan and get 2 of these?!?! Only issue is that 1-2 month shipping. I'm perfectly happy with my Titan and am still looking into SLI, but for that price it would be silly to ignore how powerful 2 of these cards are together.
"1 item will be shipped to _____ by Amazon.com. Estimated delivery: Nov. 15, 2013 - Dec. 4, 2013"

What the heck, why not. I threw it on my Amazon Store Card.
Haha if they actually ship these out I will not be keeping my 290X that's for sure.
Heads up, this was posted on SlickDeals 30 minutes ago. They usually lower the changes of us receiving anything.
Oh well, I just ordered one.. Let's see what happens. Sadly I think I have about $600 in Amazon gift cards, but those are all sitting at home, and I'm at work right now... lol.
got one before the OOS. sounds like it's pretty likely it'll get canceled, but what the hell.

on a side note: I'm retarded for not ordering 2. I don't need the second but i could sell if this deal happens. sigh /facepalm
See you guys in a couple of weeks! Hopefully with pictures of the boxes!
I ordered 2. Hehehehe, if this deal goes through I'll have a Titan and an Ncase M1 for sale here shortly. :D
Got one in before it went oos. I got in on the $190 680 deal from Amazon, so I have my fingers crossed for this one.
Makes me wish I had bought a better motherboard so I could dream of tri-sli!

Oh well, I'll live under the fantasy that the one I ordered will allow me to SLI with my current 780 (Even though they won't match! The horror!) until I get a cancellation.
Makes me wish I had bought a better motherboard so I could dream of tri-sli!

Oh well, I'll live under the fantasy that the one I ordered will allow me to SLI with my current 780 (Even though they won't match! The horror!) until I get a cancellation.

Shouldn't have any problems doing SLI with any other 780. Even if they don't share the same cooler.
awww, missed it. i remember amazon had another price mistake with the 680s and actually shipped them. GL to you bastards who got in! :D
DIdn't think I could be as sad as I was when I missed the 680 deal again, tho a little worse with this. :,C
Son of a bitch, I always miss these great deals... well good luck to all that bought.