Was iOS 7 Created In Microsoft Word?

I've been using word forever and even I learned something new from that video. Just wow..at one point I actually thought he was in photoshop.
In that video word was more a photoshop program than an actual word editor.
My theory is that the project manager was a failed early 90s hip-hop artist who turned to design work to pay the bills.

"Hey boss, for the UI, should I use Photoshop for the mock-ups?"


"Um...okay. Will do boss."
Lol, that's actually pretty impressive, not only that word can do that but that someone actually knows word well enough to do so, lol.
The Weather app icon creation alone shows that it was NOT made it Word. The weather app's cloud has fewer humps than the icon they created in Word. I can point out a few other disparities too but you guys can watch the video for yourself.

I do get the humor though, were it true.
Well...g'day mate.


You could probably do a lot of similar things in Word or other programs. Pretty cool that it's actually doable in Word.
I consider myself pretty good in Word and PPT...but I definitely learned a couple new tricks in that video.
Now do it in Notepad!

I learned HTML and web design in Notepad long ago, and it took me a while to do the WYSIWYG type of design... I still edit HTML and stuff in Notepad. This? You like ASCII art? :D
Guess Apple will sue MS to get rid of anything that anyone could use to recreate iOS icons because Apple owns those, no one else has a right to use them, and even though you could make those same things year before the iPhone Apple still invented them!