Tech News No One Cares About

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Today's installment of Tech News No One Cares About is brought to you by the iPhone 5 S/C. Are you homeless? Want to earn some extra money? Get paid to stand in line for an iPhone! Beware of the spontaneous iFights that break out in those lines though. I wonder if "punched in the face" is on this list of 5 things I love an hate about the iPhone 5S. At least the Samsung employees that are spying on the iPhone lines are getting a show. Is it really spying if they are in public? Maybe they should have been looking for Steve Jobs' lost time capsule instead. Probably would've been found sooner. The fingerprint scanner on the new iPhone has apparently attracted the attention of politicians on Capitol Hill. Finally, Tim Cook joins the age of social media. You'd think that Apple's CEO would have already had a Twitter account by now. Then again, no one cares, so why bother. ;)
I read some of the boy wonders iphone 5s review and was not impressed. Especially since he only has tests for java web performance and he's comparing his iphone5s to generic tests he sourced elsewhere and hid a disclaimer that android CPU's can be faster with chrome browser, leaving room for the browser to be the real difference, not the CPU (although he does not show any results from any of the phones actually using chrome)

All it takes is look at youtube videos of people comparing performance between the iphone5s and the Galaxy S4 to know...there is not much difference and where there is, the Galaxy S4 is faster than the iphone 5s in most direct app performance comparisons.

Considering the huge increase in resolution the Galaxy S4 has over the iphone 5s, it's pretty impressive the android phones are faster at all.
What I think is funny...all of these people writing news articles about the new plastic shell iphone 5s seem to link to Anand's performance review as the crowning gospel proclaiming the iphone the fastest in the world.
I asked my girl if she wanted the new iPhone as she has an android phone currently. She thought about it for a day and said she wanted an S4. She has a macbook and now an iPad. I was surprised since I talked her into the Android phone when she wanted an older iPhone years ago. And every single person I know with an iPhone is not upgrading. And some would buy the refresh everytime and wait in the line.
This site's constant trolling of Apple is really disappointing. I had no idea it was [H] to be just a wintel fanatic just for the sake of it. I thought [H] was supposed to be about gaming and technology news/reviews?
hid a disclaimer that android CPU's can be faster with chrome browser.

This is the first time that i have ever heard that the chrome browser can upclock the cpu in phones running the android operating system.
This site's constant trolling of Apple is really disappointing. I had no idea it was [H] to be just a wintel fanatic just for the sake of it. I thought [H] was supposed to be about gaming and technology news/reviews?

When is the last time you overclocked an Apple computer or phone?
This is the first time that i have ever heard that the chrome browser can upclock the cpu in phones running the android operating system.

Read between the lines, he says the CPU performance tests he runs are impacted by both the software and hardware and then later says devices that can run Chrome tend to do the best here, potentially putting the 5s at a disadvantage, but he never tested any of the other devices while using Chrome. So, are we to really believe, since he didn't actually run CPU benchmarks, that his results are valid?

android CPU's can be faster with chrome browser.

this is the first time that i have seen that the chrome browser makes the cpu (in a phone running the android operating system) faster.
this is the first time that i have seen that the chrome browser makes the cpu (in a phone running the android operating system) faster.

I know, I didn't say that right. I clarified later...the CPU tests anand ran are impacted by browser performance and he admitted (in a round about way) that the chrome browser could improve the scores on devices that you can use it with. He is testing javascript, not cpu.