Helpful tips for Borging


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2014
Jan 29, 2006
I have been asked by many people over the years about good ways to get others into DC'ing. I have found that most people really could care less or don't want the hassle of setting anything up. So, I have found the best way to get people to contribute is through Borging. Borging, however, does bring some questions and concerns.

Rule #1 is simple. ALWAYS get permission before borging.
2. Explain to the individual what the computer will be doing and for what causes.
3. When setting up a Borged machine, make sure it is set up to be the least intrusive as possible. If the person gets fed up with the systems performance, the Borging will end abruptly and probably will never return.
4. Don't get greedy. Just because THEIR system could produce more with more aggressive settings doesn't mean you should risk THEIR system doing so.
5. Make sure the person doesn't have data limits on their internet. Some projects have rather large downloads/uploads. You don't want to get that phone call from an angry friend who just got smacked with over charges. More and more companies are playing with data limits.
6. Hide the task bar icons. I don't mean put them in stealth mode rather have Windows always hide them so that the user isn't constantly looking at the ugly icon. More icons means more clutter and people forget what programs are for. They will start uninstalling stuff not realizing they just removed your DC program that they said you could run.
7. Use an account manager if you have the option. Ex: BOINC users could use BAM! through
8. Research the project BEFORE attaching. Just because it is a DC project, does not mean it is legal or ethical.

Helpful tips for aquiring willing Borgees
1. I have found that if you give someone free tech support, that they are typically willing to return the favor by letting the harmless program run in the background when the computer is idle. That is of course as long as it is not intrusive.
2. I have donated entire PC's to people who couldn't afford one. I ask if they are willing to leave that program running to benefit humanity. Sometimes telling them it is a good way to "pass it on" works. Many people are willing to just let it run as long as it doesn't interfere with their normal usage.
3. Don't give up on potential DC'ers. Some people just aren't interested. However, if you ask them if you could install it anyways, they sometimes don't mind. After all, setting up accounts and passwords is not fun for many people.
4. Offer free upgrades. If you know someone has an empty PCIe slot on their board, offer up a video card. In exchange, have them commit to a borging. They get a slight upgrade and you get a GPU capable borg to add a few extra points. Just make sure their system can handle the extra power draw.
5. Talk to your techie friends who aren't interested in DC'ing. Let them know that some clients like BOINC are great for stress testing CPU's, GPU's, hard drives, etc... It is also a great way to find out how much heat is generated at full load.
6. Some clients/projects will also provide unintended benefits. Many BOINC projects will keep track of the last known IP Address of a system when it last checked in. I helped a person track down a stolen laptop once using this. Many cyber smart criminals look for remote control software. However, they don't really think about BOINC or other DC clients. I have also noticed systems infected with Malware due to production loss. A quick call for a PC tune-up is great for relations and is also a great time to update the software.
7. Your presentation is everything. Try to win them with projects that appeal to them. Many people know someone who is or whom has suffered from Cancer. October is also a Cancer awareness month, so people tend to jump on that bandwagon. Use it to promote DC'ing. If you go to events, get your fellow rally mates to get in on the cause. If you can't get someone in a march for breast cancer to contribute their PC, it will be even harder for you to get someone that is not associated to.
8-1. Use the screen savers to your advantage. People do still like those things. An older lady who use to let me borg her system loved seeing the Help Fight Childhood Cancer screen saver come up. She got disappointed when other project screen savers started coming up. WCG ran out of work. Otherwise, she would have kept seeing it. Unfortunately, she no longer has that computer and her son in law is her new "tech". He isn't on board with DC'ing.
8-2. If using the GPU, screen savers usually don't work out so well. Keep this in mind when borging. If the user likes their screen saver, GPU crunching may not be an option. Try suggesting saving power by turning the monitor off instead of a screen saver if they don't care about them.
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