UK Porn Filter Also Censors Other Content

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HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
With porn and other "bad things" blocked in the UK, imagine the size of the opt-in list you would need to view the stuff you normally do. :eek:

This week prime minister David Cameron announced further details of his crusade to have adult material censored in the UK. It’s a controversial topic for a number of reasons, with even those unconcerned about losing access to porn wondering what will be censored next. Apparently the government have already thought that through. According to ISPs speaking with the Open Rights Group, the filter will target a range of other content too.
Such a shame to see a 1st world enlightened nation like the UK suddenly overrun by the tyranny of one man's personal distaste for something. I have a feeling this will fade.
"Customers who do not want filtering still have their traffic routed through the system, but matches to Huawei's database are dismissed rather than acted upon."

But still logged & recorded I bet.
But still logged & recorded I bet.

Well duh...Think of the children...if they were looking at porn, they must be deviants, that the government needs to know about, just in case they are pedophiles, you know, just another level of deviant... :rolleyes:
Yeah, its really awful that guys will have to go look at boobs in real life instead of doing it online. It's so unreasonable for them to be forced to leave the basement of their mum's home where they keep their gaming PC and tube of KY jelly.
This is wonderful. By next year Mr. Cameron will have instituted a 9:00pm curfew and will be punishing citizens for not eating their veggies.
Such a shame to see a 1st world enlightened nation like the UK suddenly overrun by the tyranny of one man's personal distaste for something. I have a feeling this will fade.

Actually its not a single men.

If you want to look at the real reasons you will find that its Feminist Organizations were the pushers of this.
This is all done to protect women from Rape and protect the Children. Ironically Women are the Primary Child Abusers not Men. (Statistics for CDC and UK)
Then you got a Tradcon like that prick a white knight and gigantic mangina running to the rescue to all the oppressed Wymmynz under the tyranny of the patriarchy.

Protect the Wymmynz and Childrenz from the evil perv and child molestors that ALL MEN ARE. Men have an exclusivity on all the evil shit in this world Women can DO no wrong.

Funny Men get Raped more but no one ever bothers including the incarcerated men statistics where rape is encouraged by the system.
90% of all Violence is done against men not women or Children. Yet when a woman gets busted for Rape of Minor (School Teacher) that minor is LIABLE for child support if the bitch gets pregnant. On top of that she gets a Pussy Pass from the justice system where all women get a slap on the wrist. Women have a conviction rate 60% lower then men for an equal crime and get punished 56% less time for that crime. Oh not to mention Women Kill more children then Men.
Actually this is good. Whenever we become over censored we become more defiant and produce better art. The UK has a phenomenal group of artists at any given time, except maybe the late 80's. ha

2 words: Video Nasties!

When they went nuts about those movies the amount of viewers and releases went up. It's a badge of honor for film to be hated by a government.
The categories that Brits using the TalkTalk ISP must choose whether or not to block:

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
File Sharing Sites
Social Networking
Suicide and Self-Harm
Weapons and Violence

They forgot Comic Books.
Anarchy in the UK is the only solution.

You mean this ?
Basically its fucking ridiculous. I think Cameron is trying to re-live the Thatcher days, and if he didn't notice most of the country cheered when she kicked the bucket. I suppose when he is done fucking the country in the ass all he will need to do is find a child with the right birth mark, 10 goats and a copy of the Necronomicon; and he can resurrect Thatcher and his diabolical plan will be complete.
Vpn ftw, but they can fuck off if they think they will be doing that with my isp.

Its likely my isp will tell em to fak off and challenge them in court, alongside a few bigger isps.
Censoring porn/child porn/racism/etc. is always an excuse to have the infrastructure to censor other things.
Oh look!
A mens right misogynist has decided to come out from his reddit shit hole
Go the fuck away you sick piece of trash

You better watch your filthy fingers. I, for one, agree with most of what he said, and I kind of like women.

I hope you get banned for this unprovoked insult.
These are not facts. But the usage of "99%" tells me you just pulled those "facts" out of your ass.
Here is a detailed survey:

There are some pretty sobering stats there ... as violent as the USA appears to be the UK has some even worse problems (according to UN statistics ) ... they have a higher per 100,000 rate of rapes than the USA and one of the higher rates of sexual violence in Europe

I think the UN crime statistics present a better solution than censorship though ... the Netherlands has legalized prostitution and one of the lowest rape rates in the world ... perhaps that is the better solution ... legal and safe brothels :cool:
If this happens in the UK, then other countries will be next, probably starting with france and the US.

This is nothing short of war being declared on free open Internet. It's been happening for years, but after the US has got caught snooping on every citizen in the world, and having been no riots or uprisings, the message has been sent to the politicians and corporations that the public at large just don't care enough to stop them.
Such a shame to see a 1st world enlightened nation like the UK suddenly

Enlightened? LOL...right. If you haven't noticed, history is full of 'enlightening' moments from the 1st world nations.
Actually its not a single men.

If you want to look at the real reasons you will find that its Feminist Organizations were the pushers of this.
This is all done to protect women from Rape and protect the Children. Ironically Women are the Primary Child Abusers not Men. (Statistics for CDC and UK)
Then you got a Tradcon like that prick a white knight and gigantic mangina running to the rescue to all the oppressed Wymmynz under the tyranny of the patriarchy.

Protect the Wymmynz and Childrenz from the evil perv and child molestors that ALL MEN ARE. Men have an exclusivity on all the evil shit in this world Women can DO no wrong.

Funny Men get Raped more but no one ever bothers including the incarcerated men statistics where rape is encouraged by the system.
90% of all Violence is done against men not women or Children. Yet when a woman gets busted for Rape of Minor (School Teacher) that minor is LIABLE for child support if the bitch gets pregnant. On top of that she gets a Pussy Pass from the justice system where all women get a slap on the wrist. Women have a conviction rate 60% lower then men for an equal crime and get punished 56% less time for that crime. Oh not to mention Women Kill more children then Men.

Men commit a lot more violent crime and men are the perps in a vast majority of cases involving rape. In fact, in the US alone, about 1 in 5 women will be the victim of rate in their lifetimes and that rape is invariably carried out by men who are evil, horny, and violent. Robbing men of their manhood through spay and neuter programs, punishing them harshly, and finding ways to grow sperm artifically so men are no longer necessary on the planet (they are, after all, missing a lot of genetic material which make them more prone to being genetically defective anyway) are all great ways to move the world closer to Utopia.

We've already long ago recognized the need to neuter male cattle to keep them from becoming violent killers. Human men are very similar to cattle, but because they've managed to clutch onto leadership roles in societal structures they invented with the express purpose of maintaining power over women, we've been unable to see this as a useful alternative to allowing men to run freely with their revolting looking gonads and hormones intact.

Ladies, snip your man and life will start to get better. Use the same date rape drugs they use to put them under and then get to work on your medical degree with actual clinical experience even before entering college!
Country with the one of the highest STD rates fighting a war against masturbation? Makes sense to me.
Do not expect worthless misogynistic trash like this person to ever post fact
99% of rape is committed by men.
98% of rape against men is committed by other men
99% of child molestations are committed by men ( most of those being white men)

Actually, looking back at all 16 posts you've made since you've been here - a lot of what you do is name-calling. "Misogynistic trash male" this and that. Why are you still here?
If this happens in the UK, then other countries will be next, probably starting with france and the US.
France already tried at least once but the law didn't pass.
They will try again, and one day they will succeed.
For now, French censorship is there but only if you sue ISPs - at least a judge has to order it and it's not secret list.
Do not expect worthless misogynistic trash like this person to ever post fact
99% of rape is committed by men.
98% of rape against men is committed by other men
99% of child molestations are committed by men ( most of those being white men)

Here you go. The epidemic on blaming men on absolutely everything is sickening. When you have giant s and mangina such as Biden I can see why men are FLEEING away from Marriage and anything to do with a fucking Vagina.

As for Rape committed by and men can't be raped. Well your right there because LEGALLY THEIR IS NO DEFINITION OF RAPE OF A MALE. If a MEN is raped its only a sexual assault not rape. Yes you can skew any statistics if you only change the definition of the actual crime to only include a single Gender.
Here is the big list of female rapists oh wait their is no such thing since their is no legal definition of male rape.

Considering that almost 84% of all teacher in Primary schools are females I would be terrified to send
my son to be potentially raped/sexually abused by a female.

Any time a Men speaks up its Misogyny but when a Women speaks up its ok because they are the victim.

We live in a Gynocentric society where men are seen as less then trash. No wonder marriage rate is falling, men fleeing away from any kind of interaction with the Female of the species.

Women have replaced men with the government, since the Feminist movement government spending has gone through the roof. Women are socialistic and Marxist where their only goal is to transfer as much wealth from Male wallet to their own but when population starts collapsing and tax revenue with it what do you think will happen? Vaginas will automatically renounce feminism and come crawling back, I just hope by that time social decay will be irreversible.
Here is the reality Men don't need women, women need men. Men can do anything on their own and when and why would we buy a cow if the milk is free. Women and their liberated sexuality afford men easy access to sex with out consequences (as long as the guy take precautions) Males can Pump and Dump and enjoy their new found freedom of being single with out responsibilities.
The vagina worth is decreasing all the time you give it away for free we use it and then dump you once we are done. The beautiful thing is we don't have a Biological wall, men don't have an innate want to have kids women do (we just want sex), and female fertility and worth rapidly decreases over the age of 35, Males in one aspect are superior to females we can have kids well into our 90s.
I speak an harsh truth, look at Japan, Europe, Russia look at the abysmal birth rates. Only countries that have positive birth rates are countries that are based on Fundamentalism religion and we know we need more terrorists in our society.
Look at Japanese phenomenon of Herbivores.

I can't wait for a two things..
The Male Pill, then women will have a taste of their own medicine.
Ironically the biggest opponents are feminists
Artificial Womb
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