Forget passwords: Google Joins FIDO

Then eventually it'll be "It's only a minor prick on the finger. It won't hurt.... much"
but if your biometric data gets compromised you can't change it like a password, or be issued a new one like a token.
When they actually come up with something that is superior to passwords, I will be interested. Until then, nothing beats a proper password. Biometrics, picture passwords and other such crap certainly aren't the answer. I think in the meantime over the next decade minimum before someone comes up with better technology, perhaps more universal password rules and elimination of crap security like WEP would help.
why do i have a feel that this will be bypassed without much effort as the technology will more than likely be built on the cheap
I wouldn't mind carrying around a small physical key device. They can use NFC to read the things.
I'm not interested in anything "password alternative" that requires proprietary software.

Passwords are fine. Idiots are the problem. Start holding people accountable financially if their computer or accounts get compromised and is used to do something like send spam and the problem will go away because either they will :

A.Educate themselves
B.Hire someone else who knows what they are doing to maintain their computer (not unlike how people hire mechanics to maintain cares)
C.Be unable to continue to afford using an internet-enabled computer.

Get rid of passwords and switch to pass-sentences.

I would have switched long ago but many websites do not accept passwords more than 8 or 10 characters.
All these companies are determined to take over our homes. You know, smart cars/buildings and all that bs that we thought was cool back in the 80s/90s. Now? Not in the least, since we're talking data mining creepers such as goog, fb, aapl, ms, etc.

Who needs password when your client lives in a glass home.

Get rid of passwords and switch to pass-sentences.
That's not any easier. Remember the South Park episode where they are all trying to remember their "Insecurity" pass phrases? Was it "Kyle is a gay homo" or "Kyle's a gay fag" or "Kyle is a gay fag"... dammit! :p

Much better IMO is to have stereo webcams, which are relatively cheap, and at 720P x2 at such close range can create AMAZING levels of detail with the right software to be able to identify individuals 3D head shape.

Unlike a single camera, you can't fool it just holding up a printed picture of someone's face, you would need an accurate molding of their entire head to get the eyes, nose, lips, chin, cheekbones, etc all correct.

Nothing to remember, just can't be wearing a face mask when logging into a computer. Easy!
Gee... 96% of Google's revenues are from advertising.
"Real identity" (name, address, etc) is a holy grail for advertising purposes.
Biometrics such as fingerprints and identifying things as passwords?
Damn straight Google is going to be interested. And yet again, not for altruistic purposes, but to get more revenues.

Get rid of passwords and switch to pass-sentences.

I would have switched long ago but many websites do not accept passwords more than 8 or 10 characters.

Exactly. I'd like to use 48 character passphrases, but most places won't let me.

"But use NFC/RFID/Biometrics/keyfobs/etc/" yeah, that's great right up until the point where I do actually want to give someone else access to something and they don't have whatever the appropriate device is to work with it. Passwords/phrases are sharable when you want them to be, and those situations do come up. Most of the password alternatives out there are not shareable and make things a pain in the ass.
I bet you could bet bio data from an anal insert if you don't like the finger prick...goes back to the south park episode with the circle bike.
Google, you ignorant slut. Leave my damned login's alone!

Every time I turn around they are changing something, and I have to go through some sort of BS process to get in.

Having multiple accounts is a ROYAL pain in the ass.