Video Games Made As Children's Books

The cake is a lie LOL xD those maymays sure are funneh xDDDD
Sim City the book developed by Maxis/EA and a blood sample needed to open the book for DRM.
Just finished Bioshock infinite, and i must say, i liked the original a lot more. Not that infinite is bad, it is muy excellante. But the big daddy's and the little sisters added such a creepy yet strangely heartwarming (in a fucked up way) to the original, the original is still the high water mark of the series.

My ratings from strongest to weakest would be:
Original Bioshock
Bioshock infinite
then Bioshock 2

Bioshock infinite has some extremely good polish, and the story is excellent as well. But the art of the original, story of the original, and the heart of the original make me want to go back and play it again. Even after all the play throughs i have already done. That is the mark of a truly great game.

"Would you kindly, play me again?" :D