AMD Driver Install Error (6950x2)

I would recommend driver sweeper. I know that others will disagree with me, but I've never had issues with it. I always uninstall, reboot, driver sweeper, reboot, clean install.
FYI that probably doesn't matter unless you need to run AMD* opencl samples
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Until games start using openCL and compute engine, you are pretty much correct.
Thanks everyone I'll try out atiman. I know it probably doesn't matter but it still makes me angry.
I also notice that(for me anyway) having Afterburner on during installation sometimes cause errors. Sometimes it even refuses to install. So I had to remove one of my card, install the driver, and then put the other card in again.
just kill the services before your install, AB tends to hog a few of the dlls the cats need.
dont use driver sweeper or atiman.

I used them with my setups and it has caused me more headache then fixes.

If you want to try the installation, remove one videocard (its crossfire right? not an x2 card) and install the drivers.

then install the second video card. I've found that this usually solves most of my problems if i enoer one.
i disagree, use atiman...

its has ALWAYS fixed any problem ive had....
Well that didn't work so I tried ATiman and it did crazy things to my computer (I think). A little while after my computer ran sluggish (though I guess it could have been another cause) I ran chkdsk and had errors and ended up reformating my PC. And what do you know the drivers installed fine after that.