Saudi Arabia Implements Electronic Tracking System for Women


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Dude, where’s your wife? Oh wait, there she is crossing the border. Women in Saudi Arabia are now being tracked electronically and their male ‘guardians’ are informed of their whereabouts via text messaging.

"The new compulsory text service, compliments of the Saudi ministry of interior, is not only a vicious reminder that Big Brother is watching me but that now he will snitch and tell my 'guardian' every time I leave the country"
male 'guardians' - might as well use the technically correct term, 'slave holders'.
Saudi Arabia announces tracking system on women, United States makes a statement calling it progress, buys more oil.

Iran announces domestic internet plan, United States makes a statement calling it inhumane, terrorism, and declares they will not stand by and allow it to happen. Sanctions Iran, executes people using the CIA, and waits for the moment to reinstall US corporations back into control of Iranian oil supplies.

lol...just ranting.
Sanctions Iran, executes people using the CIA, and waits for the moment to reinstall US corporations back into control of Iranian oil supplies.

lol...just ranting.

The CIA does not execute people.

They neutralize confirmed threats. :p
The only good thing about this is nothing.

Being a douche and using religion to justify said doucheness. Well, it is an obvious case of a double douche. Clear cut I would say.
Hardly fixed when it's so narrow. Is North Korea ran by religion? I don't believe so... And I hear it's quite bad. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Given that the "dear leader" is effectively treated as a diety over there and basically worshipped as a religion, I stand by my statement.
Fixed that for you.

Except you're wrong. Countries run by atheists have been the worst, like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea.

While Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians.
It's important to keep track of yer wimenz, imagine if one of them got out, the havoc it would wreak :eek:
Except you're wrong. Countries run by atheists have been the worst, like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea.

While Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians.
Fixed that for you.

"Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses." - Arthur C. Clarke

"In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point." - Friederich Nietzsche

"Religions vary in their degree of idiocy, but I reject them all. For most people, religion is nothing more than a substitute for a malfunctioning brain." - Gene Roddenberry

"I don't see any god up here" - Yuri Gagarin
Except you're wrong. Countries run by atheists have been the worst, like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea.

While Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians.

You have a very selective and naive view of history.

Funny how the whole 'Dark Ages' thing lasted for longer than the current "Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians" thing.

You've taught us four things today:

1 - You never listened in history class, and
2 - Your lack of knowledge in history leads you to make false assumptions.
3 - These false assumptions make you feel all snuggly inside.
4 - Kaboom! There go your baseless assumptions!
Except you're wrong. Countries run by atheists have been the worst, like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea.

While Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians.

You have a very selective and naive view of history.

Funny how the whole 'Dark Ages' thing lasted for longer than the current "Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians" thing.

You've taught us four things today:

1 - You never listened in history class, and
2 - Your lack of knowledge in history leads you to make false assumptions.
3 - These false assumptions make you feel all snuggly inside.
4 - Kaboom! There go your baseless assumptions!

They both have a selective view of history. You can't make a sweeping statement either way. There are people who have used religion to exert power, there are people who have used religion to do great acts of kindness, there are people who have used religion as an excuse for war, and there are people who do all those things without religion in the equation at all.
"Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply an admission of the obvious. In fact, 'atheist' is a term that should not ever exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a 'non astrologer' or a 'non-alchemist'. We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs. An atheist is simply a person who believes that the 260 million Americans (87 percent of the population) claiming to 'never doubt the existence of God' should be obliged to present evidence for his existence-and, indeed, for his BENEVOLENCE, given the relentless destruction of innocent human beings we witness in the world each day."

~ Sam Harris, "Letter to a Christian Nation"
Some serious ignorance and hate be swirling up in this thread on all sides, more news at 11.
If it wasn't for the religious zealots repeatedly burning down the Library of Alexandria and the persecution of anything and anyone science-related we'd all be flying around in jetpacks and doing keg stands at the Hilton on Mars.

Thanks, religion.
Given that the "dear leader" is effectively treated as a diety over there and basically worshipped as a religion, I stand by my statement.

man is the new deity now. All hail man and his ability to dream up his own utopia. One man's utopia is another's dystopia.
Except you're wrong. Countries run by atheists have been the worst, like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea.

While Western countries who have the best humans rights, freedom, and technological progress have mostly been run by Christians.

Are you sure their leaders are atheist?

Regardless, the "bad" things about China and North Korea are different kind of bad compared to Islamic countries which still implement ancient hardcore Islamic ideologies. Religions are present in those Asian countries but they do not dictate the political ideology.

There are Christians, Buddhist and even Muslim in China, but the government doesn't enforce any one religion upon everyone else. You are free to live your life however you see fit. And this is something that's common in western countries too. There may be different political ideology, but you are free to live your life without having to adhere to any particular religions rules.

Such is not the case in these Islamic countries. Their problem is the mixing of politics and hardcore religious teaching and so every one is forced to follow rules that are tied to a particular religion. What that is supposed to be a personal belief system now becomes a law everyone must obey. Even the Muslim have to be as Islamic as the country dictates them to be, you cannot be any less religious, its a crime.
Are you sure their leaders are atheist?

Regardless, the "bad" things about China and North Korea are different kind of bad compared to Islamic countries which still implement ancient hardcore Islamic ideologies. Religions are present in those Asian countries but they do not dictate the political ideology.

There are Christians, Buddhist and even Muslim in China, but the government doesn't enforce any one religion upon everyone else. You are free to live your life however you see fit. And this is something that's common in western countries too. There may be different political ideology, but you are free to live your life without having to adhere to any particular religions rules.

Such is not the case in these Islamic countries. Their problem is the mixing of politics and hardcore religious teaching and so every one is forced to follow rules that are tied to a particular religion. What that is supposed to be a personal belief system now becomes a law everyone must obey. Even the Muslim have to be as Islamic as the country dictates them to be, you cannot be any less religious, its a crime.

Check our buddy out in Egypt. So glad we got rid of that terrible puppet Govt.
If it wasn't for the religious zealots repeatedly burning down the Library of Alexandria and the persecution of anything and anyone science-related we'd all be flying around in jetpacks and doing keg stands at the Hilton on Mars.

Thanks, religion.

Religion is a double-edged sword in human society.

On one hand, religion especially Christianity and Catholicism has brought us a lot of social reform, humanitarian efforts, and so on. We probably would not have the Red Cross or other humanitarian organizations, or humanitarian aid to the less fortunate.

However, on the other hand, religion has done so much harm to human history and resulted in countless number of human lives lost. For example, Catholicsm has claimed more lives than the Holocaust. Islam and Christianity has both claimed heavy losses of both military and civilian lives for their constant back-and-forth bickering over the thousands of years of their existence.

Religion and government has also done more harm than Hitler has done to European Jews or the genocides of ethnic Serbians at the hands of Slobodan Milošević and his army. Government and religion should never mix and should be kept absolutely separate. Human history, again, shows how religion and government have done the following:
  • Limitations of women's rights, and restrictions on their visibility and individual human rights-- Middle Eastern Islamic countries are good examples.
  • Limitations and/or restrictions of birth control, which in turn has led to increased population and increased levels of poverty in certain countries. Also, the death of an expectant mother in Ireland not too long ago because abortion was denied and illegal in Ireland.
  • The violations of the civil rights and equal rights of homosexuals. For example, the Defense of Marriage Act in the US.
  • The eradication and disappearance of ancient cultures due to religious missionaries.
  • The disappearance and/or censorship of scientific discoveries and knowledge. Example, the Library of Alexander, Gallileo, the Roman Catholic Church and Heliocentrism. Another good example is the debate of Creationism and evolution, and how school districts like those in Texas would rather teach Creationism over evolution.
Religion has also been a sign of being great hypocrites. For example, Catholicism and Christianity teach and preach to love everyone, to treat each other like equals. However, they do not see homosexuals as equals, and see them as sinners and a disgrace to God. And, if you are a fundamentalist, you probably would believe the Old Testament to stone them to death instead, or in the cases of certain murders in the US, humiliate and kill them. Religion in itself, regardless of what kind, do not treat individuals equally in the truest sense. Depending on how it is preached and practiced, religion is and can be the biggest lie and the biggest hypocrites that will treat homosexuals and women less than others, depending on the religion.

I have been educated in a private Catholic school for twelve years of my life-- four years in high school and eight years in elementary school. After taking a world religions course in my Senior year of high school, I opted to not be converted to Catholicism. Over twelve years, I've had two nuns and a priest try to talk me into getting baptized but hesitated each time. I chose in the end to have no religion and follow my own beliefs. I believe something created us but has no name, no sex, no physical appearance and exists in each and every one of us. I do not believe religion should dictate the individual choices of a person, nor should they limit or restrict their individual rights. We are human beings, regardless of race, culture, religion, sexual orientation and sex. We are capable of making our own individual choices and have own unique beliefs. NO person, government or religious organization has the right to impose or force their beliefs and morals onto another person without that person's own consent and acceptance, or tolerance of those beliefs and morals.

Why did I change my mind?

After the world religions course, I realized that when you break down religion to their simplest and empirical forms, every religion is similar in the fact they have a deity of creation, a place of worship and to practice their religion, have an organizational structure with a leader at the top, a system of rituals and practices, and beliefs on how to treat other people.

What Saudi Arabia is doing is a violation of the individual rights of women, treating them unfairly and unequal to their male counterparts. It is doing nothing more than continuing the idea how Islam treats women in modern society. Fundamentalist beliefs should never exist in modern society, regardless if you are with the Westboro Baptists or with the Taliban. These kind of beliefs slow down human advancement and move us backward, not forward.
That's weird every time I have seen a story on tracking devices in major media they are always portrayed as beneficial, now suddenly they are bad? And where is the usual clown-car of the if you have nothing to hide then why do you care crowd?
I think people get too mixed up with religion and people who use/follow said religion. Christianity didn't do X, people did X in the name of Christianity.
Religion has also been a sign of being great hypocrites. For example, Catholicism and Christianity teach and preach to love everyone, to treat each other like equals. However, they do not see homosexuals as equals, and see them as sinners and a disgrace to God.
Christianity sees homosexuals as equals. People who proclaim to be Christian might not. Now, Christianity also sees homosexuality as wrong, along with seeing a whole plethora of other things as wrong (you remember when you saw your neighbour in those tight jeans and thought "damn that's a fine ass", that's also wrong :p), but it doesn't see the homosexual as less than equal any more than it sees any other sinner.
And, if you are a fundamentalist, you probably would believe the Old Testament to stone them to death instead, or in the cases of certain murders in the US, humiliate and kill them.
If you are a fundamentalist Christian and you believe that, you are wrong, not a fundamentalist Christian.

Religion has been abused by people in power, I don't disagree, but at least lets keep a distinction betwen "people" and "religion". Religion isn't a scapegoat for acting like a fucktard.
Wow guys, way to start on the anti-religion stuff so soon. Go back a bit further in your history books. Women in the middle east were considered personal property long before Islam came along.
Wow guys, way to start on the anti-religion stuff so soon. Go back a bit further in your history books. Women in the middle east were considered personal property long before Islam came along.

Now they rape young boys. Wonderful thing to witness in Afghanastan is a young boys father in tears outside of your COP wanting you to kill the SOB who did it and you have to turn your back because of "cultural sensitivity". For one a man in that culture to ever admit weakness on that scale is almost unforgivable, two it is discusting that those children are used in that manner and we can do nothing. Christianity got its due Islam needs to be next on the list.
Wow guys, way to start on the anti-religion stuff so soon. Go back a bit further in your history books. Women in the middle east were considered personal property long before Islam came along.

...and the rest of the world :p

You don't have to go back too far in American history to find black people being personal property in the rest of the world.

This concept of equality is the exception, not the norm.
And that second sentence doesn't make sense, but you know what I mean :p Too tired. Damned lack of an edit.