FF7 $6.99

Hey, if it works worth a damn on Win7 64bit, I'm all for it! Why the hell was this never added to steam...
I'm all for it! Why the hell was this never added to steam...

They're using it to get people to use their digital download service.

Also the music in this game is entirely different than the PSX version that I know and love.
works well; Some folks were kind enough to port the PS1 sounds for this. They're just ogg files in a 'music' folder -- potentially you can make the battle music anything you want :p
works well; Some folks were kind enough to port the PS1 sounds for this. They're just ogg files in a 'music' folder -- potentially you can make the battle music anything you want :p

ya pokemon music works great in the battle scenes.
Is there any good reason to play this version over the PSX version on an emulator?
Is there any good reason to play this version over the PSX version on an emulator?

Nope. None what so ever.

Ok I take that back, some people might not like the hassle of using an emulator, if you're one of those who care. As mentioned there are "achievements" and something referred to as a "character booster" presumably a built in cheat... like you couldn't do that yourself.
The original PC version actually had much MUCH better MIDI on it than the playstation version but you had to have the right sound card.
I was in middle school, I didn't give a damn about proper Japanese translations. That's all my friends and I talked about my 8th grade year.
I was in middle school, I didn't give a damn about proper Japanese translations. That's all my friends and I talked about my 8th grade year.

At the time I was pretty blown away too. It's more a matter of looking at it now and seeing where the cracks are. I have played FF7 a lot over the years so I've had some time to find the faults here and there.
Still install this and play from time to time, with my original 1998 Eidos port. Qhimm.com has a ton of patches available, including an OpenGL patch that allows you to run the game at any resolution you want, instead of the standard 640*480.

Glad to see this was re-released for newer OS's though, the Eidos port can be a pain to get fully stable on modern hardware and operating systems.
Are the pre-rendered backgrounds still low resolution? If so, I'd probably just stick with the original PSX version.

Everytime I go back and try to play it, even though it's still my alltime favorite FF game, the amount of blur in the backgrounds (without a low resolution display with scanlines) makes it a little challanging. I would buy this in a second if they re-rendered it @ 1080, even if they don't improve anything else.

<3 the materia upgrade system
For purposes of convenience if you have a PS3...it's only $10 on there. Hadn't played it since the original release on PS1. Got a good 100 hours for my 10 bucks after beating it and farming a golden chocobo. Had a blast!.
no. just no.ff7 was far from perfect, but its worlds better than ff9

Oh no, the mighty Gooch3008 is here to correct me. Oh I'm so sorry my dear Gooch3008. I was so so wrong about liking FF9 more. I'm so glad you were there to correct me. Never again will I favor Final Fantasy 9 more despite the fact that I found it much more enjoyable.
Oh no, the mighty Gooch3008 is here to correct me. Oh I'm so sorry my dear Gooch3008. I was so so wrong about liking FF9 more. I'm so glad you were there to correct me. Never again will I favor Final Fantasy 9 more despite the fact that I found it much more enjoyable.

Chill man. Arguing about which one is your favorite is pretty childish ;)
Is there any good reason to play this version over the PSX version on an emulator?

there is a mod scene for it. you can increase the resolution, add some graphics enhancements, and change the music to the arranged sountracks and make it lossless etc.
Yeah FF7 is overrated. FF9 plays great with those old mechanics, and still looks great even by today's standard. FF7 with its over 1 minute long summons is ridiculous.
This is my favorite from the series (first was II SNES / IV) but I won't play it anymore.

4:3 and low res sucks, even with all the patches in the world. I'd need to go out and buy a 32" tube TV to play it again without killing people
I like FF7, but it was clearly overrated. FF9 was superior in every way. Yes, just yes. ;)

Didn't really like 9 at all. I do think some of the mechanics were superior though. What was not superior were the characters- especially Kuja who may be either a man or a woman.
there is no such thing as over rated. The whole idea of something being over rated is wrong. Games, movies, and music are all rated. The more someone likes it the more it gets rated. Thus a highly rated game is just that a highly rated game. Not over rated. Not under rated. Just rated.

the only way I can see the term "over rated" actually make sense would be is if Square Paid people to falsely rate a game high and with huge amounts of people/sites. Or a site like say 4chan tells all its users to rate a game 0/10. Then it would be a falsely underrated game.

I bought this for 20 bucks when it first came out knowing I'd never play it again. I bought it because I played FFXIII and thought it was complete shit. I wanted to give square money for FF7 with the hopes they will make more games like it knowing there is a money incentive in doing so. I doubt Square will make another game I like and it saddens me.

The only 3 reasons to buy this is to Support FF7 (my reason), nostalgia, or you lived in a cave when it was first released.......But FF7 didn't age well graphically so if you were in a cave you should play FF6 simply because it's 2D graphics aged far better.

on to the FF9 topic. It was a good game rated just as it should be below FF7. Not over rated. Not under rated. Just rated. The best part about FF9 was the chocobo treasure hunt.......that was bad ass and should be in EVERY Final Fantasy game......except most Final Fantasy games nowdays don't even have an open world to explore in an airship....or chocobo.
Didn't really like 9 at all. I do think some of the mechanics were superior though. What was not superior were the characters- especially Kuja who may be either a man or a woman.

Kuja was kind of take him or leave him, but I loved the main cast. Zidane was such a refreshing main character, especially after Cloud and Squall. Dagger was a good, mostly strong female lead who was the polar opposite of Rinona and Aries (I liked Aries, but she wasn't exactly a strong character). Vivi was excellent and his story was really well done. Q-whatever was probably the only one I didn't really care for either way.
ff6 was perfect. ff7 had the first 3D graphics and a good central story. Everything else was sub-par, especially the general retardedness of the supporting/secondary characters.