Does 670 support surround gaming with 3+1 monitor config like the 680?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
Title says it all. The 680 brought surround gaming to a single card for Nvidia. Does the 670 continue that tradition?
I would think it would, but won't know til the NDA is dropped and reviews get posted.
that point alone is likely make or break for me between this card and a 680.

My Cosmos 1010 case doesn't handle the heat very well from my GTX 560 TI cards in SLI I just put together and I just bought three identical monitors - so I would like a single power efficient card with surround gaming support --- oh and one last requirement - It must be an Nvidia card. That pretty much restricts the playing field to the 680 --- cause the 690 is ridicutard expensive.
I highly doubt they'll restrict features until they get into the 660s and 650s and below. The GTX 570 only had a single SM disabled compared to the GTX 580 with no other restrictions with respect to outputs or SLI capabilities. If the card is going to be priced at $400 and they don't enable Surround, nVidia will shoot themselves in the foot this round.
Brent says yes the 670 does support 3+1 config just like the 680