Carmageddon Kickstarter - Oh Yes!


Dec 29, 2005
Carmageddon Reincarnation has been in development for a while now by the original development team of Carmageddon 1 & 2. AWESOME SAUCE!

…Max Damage is back! Carmageddon: Reincarnation is going to reintroduce the gaming world to the original freeform driving sensation, where pedestrians (and cows) equal points and your opponents are a bunch of crazies in a twisted mix of automotive killing machines. It’s the racing game where racing is for wimps.


Information Round-up:

Developer: Stainless Software (Carmageddon 1 & 2 - 5 of the original 8 developers)
Release Date: February 2013
Platforms: Windows (Steam) - Mac OSX, Xbox 360 & PS3 to follow.
Game Modes: Single Player & Multiplayer (vartiety of modes including deathmatch and co-op), Split screen on PC. LAN, internet & single player (offline) mode.
Engine: Beelzebub Will include DX11 support

● Modding tools and support will be fully implemented with "CarMODgeddon" Custom cars will shown in MP - They as modded data will be downloaded to the local machine.
Modding will be made highly accessible due to scripting support. Our suite of modding tools is going to be really comprehensive and encourage extensive messing about with the game. Including playing around with the physic,this is something that will be fully exposed for the Modding community to play with. We want to encourage more of the kind of sterling work that the modders in our community did for the old games. We would like to use as universal Model format as we can so you can import cars/tracks from as many 3d programs as possible. (what that format is, is still TBC)

Returning Features:
● Prolific vehicle deformation / damage modelling (real-time crushing, detachable parts, plus extensive scenery accessory damage)
● Reincarnation will have the darker grittier feel of Carma 1 opposed to the brighter and more cartoony feel of Carma 2 (still maintaining the off-the-wall sense of humour of course!)
● Action Replay feature with YouTube and other social media functionality.
● True rag-doll pedestrians with dismemberment.
● Physics-based power-ups.
● Inspired by the classic environments, cars, drivers and power-ups from the original using current state rendering & artwork.
● Drugs Power Up.
● Original styley cheats....With Lots of rude words.
● There was a glimpse of Big Dump in the Kickstarter video.
● Batwick is going to be reprising his role as Vlad (although he doesn't know yet).
● Stainless staff will almost certainly feature as peds.

Confirmed Characters:
● Max Damage - Eagle (New Eagle Concept Art)
● Val Hella and her hellhound - the Cleaver
● Screwie Lewie - Twister and Spack Chariot.
● Vlad
● Die Anna

Confirmed Environments:

Carmageddon Reincarnation will feature some enviroments from Carmageddon and possibly Carmageddon 2.

● Coastal Carnage coming back with 'the Loop'.
● Bleak City

More Concept Art

Kickstarter Videos:
● Video 1 - Kickstarter Promo
● Video 2 - Update 1
● Video 3 - New Rewards
● Video 4 - New Rewards 2
● Video 5 - GOG announcment
● Video 6 - Bloopers
● Video 7 - Funding Successful!
● Video 8 - The Team Say Thanks

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I really enjoyed Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now on my 16MB Voodoo Banshee, hope they keep it close to it.
Yeah this has been in development for a while now, I thought it was funded just fine....

Regardless, I'm really looking forward to it. The first Carmageddon sucked away hours of my childhood. I still miss the 'Cunning Stunt' bonus :D
Yeah this has been in development for a while now, I thought it was funded just fine....

Regardless, I'm really looking forward to it. The first Carmageddon sucked away hours of my childhood. I still miss the 'Cunning Stunt' bonus :D

Yeah, the game would have been released regardless of Kickstarter. The additional funding will no doubt offer the opportunity to add more spit'n'polish whether it be content, music, voiceovers and speed up development time. The first release is due Feb 2013.

If the campaign is successful, they've got my $50 :)

striker444 said:
I really enjoyed Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now on my 16MB Voodoo Banshee, hope they keep it close to it.

I really enjoyed Carma II but the orignal will always be my favourite. One of the very first games I played with 3Dfx support. The Fear Factory soundtrack was freakin' excellent too.
It would be awesome if they could license some tracks from Fear Factory and Lee Groves for the new game.The Iron Maiden tracks in Carma 2 were pretty sweet too. I've got a rip of the original Carma 1 soundtrack in my collection :D
Fucking awesome!

I played the holy hell out of Carmageddon 2!


Even better with Fear Factory Music :D
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Hell yes! I would so like to back up, but amazon/Kickstarter does not support Paypal. :/
Hell yes! I would so like to back up, but amazon/Kickstarter does not support Paypal. :/

The problem with Paypal is that they would instantly charge your account, while Kickstarter will only do that once the Kickstarter period ends and they have met or exceed the goal.

However, Wasteland 2 did start a Paypal option separately once they exceeded the Kickstarter goal when the project is guaranteed and you can pay through Paypal instantly.

So keep an eye on that. Maybe they might do the same once they met the goal.
The problem with Paypal is that they would instantly charge your account, while Kickstarter will only do that once the Kickstarter period ends and they have met or exceed the goal.

However, Wasteland 2 did start a Paypal option separately once they exceeded the Kickstarter goal when the project is guaranteed and you can pay through Paypal instantly.

So keep an eye on that. Maybe they might do the same once they met the goal.

Will do. And Paypal charging my account immidietly shouldnt be a problem. Indiegogo has Paypal and it works in same principle as Kickstarter, no?
Just no.... I ain't paying for one of the worst and most pointless driving games, which will just get reskinned. With all those kick starters I've the feeling of being tricked by the general idea of "let's take some game that may feel nostalgic, add new skins and earn money". And it's funny to see people blaming EA or Ubi for launching every day new part of old game, when most of the kick starts are doing even worse things.
In before the Kickstarter hate.

Just no.... I ain't paying for one of the worst and most pointless driving games, which will just get reskinned. With all those kick starters I've the feeling of being tricked by the general idea of "let's take some game that may feel nostalgic, add new skins and earn money". And it's funny to see people blaming EA or Ubi for launching every day new part of old game, when most of the kick starts are doing even worse things.

Really? Really?
Just no.... I ain't paying for one of the worst and most pointless driving games, which will just get reskinned.

I didn't expect this! I guess I've never spoken to someone that really didn't like Carmageddon...
To all the kickstarters: How about you make a demo and if I like it I buy the game after you finish it. I'm not paying you for nothing. There is a risk associated with most venture things...either assume it upon yourself or go work for EA.

Kickstarters promise to give you Carmageddon 3... EA gives you Need For Speed 29
Kickstarters promise to give you Rogue Spear 2...Activision gives your COD:9
I'm really into this particular campaign specifically because I'm a twisted individual. Aside from general creativity being held back by publishers, extreme and completely unnecessary violence has been held back as well and I don't really understand why.

Modern warfare and Grand theft Auto always get M ratings so why hold back?

I was driving a sports car around in circles on the beach in GTA4 the other day crushing this bum against a wall over and over and eventually he just kinda stopped moving. I dont really even recall seeing blood. There should have been blood all over my screen or at least my car. Why no legs and tendons?

I just got this game this last week called vivisector. The game features area specific body damage. So if I shoot'm in the leg they get the business you know?


and I'm really confused as to why games aren't doing this more because this is literally the main reason for me playing this game. Call of Duty should be literally the bloodiest game in existence but in the end it just feel like a training exercise with crash test dumbies. BORING! I WANT BLOOD BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
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I'm really into this particular campaign specifically because I'm a twisted individual. Aside from general creativity being held back by publishers, extreme and completely unnecessary violence has been held back as well and I don't really understand why.

Modern warfare and Grand theft Auto always get M ratings so why hold back?

I was driving a sports car around in circles on the beach in GTA4 the other day crushing this bum against a wall over and over and eventually he just kinda stopped moving. I dont really even recall seeing blood. There should have been blood all over my screen or at least my car. Why no legs and tendons?

I just got this game this last week called vivisector. The game features area specific body damage. So if I shoot'm in the leg they get the business you know?


and I'm really confused as to why games aren't doing this more because this is literally the main reason for me playing this game. Call of Duty should be literally the bloodiest game in existence but in the end it just feel like a training exercise with crash test dumbies. BORING! I WANT BLOOD BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

Please tell me you don't have kids, work around them or small little fluffy animals. :(
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Just no.... I ain't paying for one of the worst and most pointless driving games, which will just get reskinned. With all those kick starters I've the feeling of being tricked by the general idea of "let's take some game that may feel nostalgic, add new skins and earn money". And it's funny to see people blaming EA or Ubi for launching every day new part of old game, when most of the kick starts are doing even worse things.
In the future, please refrain from using logic in support of your argument as it is un-American and inappropriate in a thread about how awesome Kickstarter projects are.
In the future, please refrain from using logic in support of your argument as it is un-American and inappropriate in a thread about how awesome Kickstarter projects are.

Opinions & feelings ≠ logic.
Please tell me you don't have kids, work around them or small little fluffy animals. :(

no kids myself but my roommate has 4. If its any consolation I foster for the human society animal rescue and protection :p and don't eat red meat.
To all the kickstarters: How about you make a demo and if I like it I buy the game after you finish it. I'm not paying you for nothing. There is a risk associated with most venture things...either assume it upon yourself or go work for EA.

Kickstarters promise to give you Carmageddon 3... EA gives you Need For Speed 29
Kickstarters promise to give you Rogue Spear 2...Activision gives your COD:9
EDIT: be nice. TH.
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Quoting inflammatory post.
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I didn't expect this! I guess I've never spoken to someone that really didn't like Carmageddon...

Neither have I. All my friends (and I) loved it to death, so much fun. Ridiculous physics, overblown gore and violence, all in tongue-in-cheek fashion of course... I want a new Carmageddon sooo bad. :D A gaming equivalent to bad B-movie pretty much.

Of course this can be nostalgia talking, but I doubt it. Why to this day we still randomly go on insane killing spree in GTA´s? It certainly did not grow old during GTA 1 and 2. :p
Cant even explain how many hours i have sunk into Carma and 2.

I'm in for the $100 pack.... I REALLY want to see this game
Just no.... I ain't paying for one of the worst and most pointless driving games, which will just get reskinned. With all those kick starters I've the feeling of being tricked by the general idea of "let's take some game that may feel nostalgic, add new skins and earn money". And it's funny to see people blaming EA or Ubi for launching every day new part of old game, when most of the kick starts are doing even worse things.

Fair enough that you didn't enjoy the original games, that is merely subjective opinion. You don't have to buy it. You should do some research before running your mouth about the project though.

Stainless, the original creators of Carmageddon have developed a brand new engine, models, levels, textures for this game. It's basically a new game based on the original being built from the ground up. It's also been in development long before kickstarter started getting popular.

For the fans of the series, this is going kick ass!
I don't have the spare cash to throw money at this or else I would, but I don't think this will matter. I wouldn't be surprised to see this get over a million dollars pledged.
haha yeah, that's the kind of writing they put into the game...hilarious.

For few few seconds I was like "misread, how?" until I just realised what did you see.

I see what you did there Carmageddon, just 15 years late. :D
For few few seconds I was like "misread, how?" until I just realised what did you see.

I see what you did there Carmageddon, just 15 years late. :D

I did the same thing lol. Its because when you read, your eye's see the first and the last letter first then fill in the word.

I did the same thing lol. Its because when you read, your eye's see the first and the last letter first then fill in the word.


It's one of the things that made Carmageddon so fantastic. The dark sense of humour in Carma really appeals to me. Makes me crack a devilish grin every time!

Power sliding through an entire football team was also a highlight... C-c-c-c-c-combo ;)

It's going to be very interesting to see what kind of controversy this new game stirs up. The higher fidelity, more realistic physics/ragdrolls, dismemberment and detail might raise some eyebrows, much like it's predecessors.
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It's one of the things that made Carmageddon so fantastic. The dark sense of humour in Carma really appeals to me. Makes me crack a devilish grin every time!

Power sliding through an entire football team was also a highlight... C-c-c-c-c-combo ;)

It's going to be very interesting to see what kind of controversy this new game stirs up. The higher fidelity, more realistic physics/ragdrolls, dismemberment and detail might raise some eyebrows, much like it's predecessors.

I can think of how many times I spent on this game wrecking my car just to see how messed up I could get it without destroying it completely. I kind of make a game out of it.

I think we the fans of the series or car combat in general are in for something special, even if it is catering to our nostalgic childhood. There hasn't been a game like Carmageddon out since TDR 2000 and even that one wasn't very good. Really looking forward to it! :D
If this is like Carmageddon 2....FUCK YEAH.

If it's like TDR 2000....they can go fuck themselves.
If this is like Carmageddon 2....FUCK YEAH.

If it's like TDR 2000....they can go fuck themselves.

I got good news for you MavericK96.. It's being made by the developers of the first two games (Stainless Software). TDR 2000 was developed by Torus Games.

Stainless Software have publicly gone on record saying they despised TDR 2000 and the new game will NOT be anything like it.

Perhaps this link will put your mind at ease.
I got good news for you MavericK96.. It's being made by the developers of the first two games (Stainless Software). TDR 2000 was developed by Torus Games.

Stainless Software have publicly gone on record saying they despised TDR 2000 and the new game will NOT be anything like it.

Perhaps this link will put your mind at ease.

Yeah, I saw that. Thank god.

May have to pitch in for this one, too.