Can't upload bigadv to


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2011
Anyone else having upload issues? I'm having trouble uploading 6903's :(

Also noted that the server client type is set to classic from here shouldnt it be SMP?

FWIW this is direct from client with no proxy (langouste or otherwise) I tried with langouste first, then turned proxy off in the client

Have tried changing Machine ID

--- Opening Log file [April 26 08:46:02 UTC] 

# Linux SMP Console Edition ###################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.34



Launch directory: /home/Biffa/fah
Executable: ./fah6
Arguments: -send all -verbosity 9 -smp 48 -bigadv -verbosity 9 -forceasm 

[08:46:02] - Ask before connecting: No
[08:46:02] - User name: Biffa (Team 10)
[08:46:02] - User ID: 1080DCA737FA22D9
[08:46:02] - Machine ID: 1
[08:46:02] Loaded queue successfully.
[08:46:02] Attempting to return result(s) to server...
[08:46:02] Trying to send all finished work units
[08:46:02] Project: 6903 (Run 1, Clone 14, Gen 84)

[08:46:02] + Attempting to send results [April 26 08:46:02 UTC]
[08:46:02] - Reading file work/wuresults_02.dat from core
[08:46:03]   (Read 222415734 bytes from disk)
[08:46:03] Connecting to
[08:53:17] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[08:53:17] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[08:53:17]     (
[08:53:17] + Retrying using alternative port
[08:53:17] Connecting to
[08:56:37] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[08:56:37] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[08:56:37]     (
[08:56:37] - Error: Could not transmit unit 02 (completed April 25) to work server.
[08:56:37] - 7 failed uploads of this unit.
[08:56:37]   Keeping unit 02 in queue.
[08:56:37] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[08:56:37] - Failed to send all units to server
[08:56:37] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (15)
[08:56:37] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.
I wouldn't have messed w/ the settings, just let it retry, the server is probably just down and wil come back eventually.
Had this problem a couple of days ago.
Apparently the server was messed up.
About 2 hours later I restarted the one in progress and the one in queue UL fine.
Is a new WU running now?
Stanford is having issues with that server. I had the same problem and using the -send all command failed for me. I resolved it by doing the following.
Hit Ctrl+c to stop the client.
./fah6 -queueinfo Note the slot numbers that contain completed units.
./fah6 -send X Where X is the single digit number of a slot containing a completed unit.
Repeat -send X until all units have been sent.
Restart client.

Also, your server status link is depricated. Use this one instead.
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You really don't need to manually run any commands, if you just let the client go it should d/l a new WU and continue retrying to send that one in the BG.
Both 6901/3/4 BA servers
and 8101 BA servers show classic... odd but both are receiving.

You can try stopping and using the -send all flag
I set it back crunching after I reported it on ff.

Its been waiting and retrying for over 24 hours now, it stopped last night some time and its now 9:24PM in the UK.

I now have another 6903 sitting there waiting, retrying and failing for the past 4 hours.

I've tried send all, I'll try sending individually. I can ping the server and browse to it and get a blank page, it just wont upload anything.

BTW host did a 8101 and uploaded fine before geting the 6903's :(

Main concern about "just waiting" is it will go past the deadline at this rate, its already lost probably half its value on the first WU.
I could ping it as well but the uploads would fail, repeatedly.
Then one rig U/L during a fold, but the other didn't until during a fah restart.
Uploads working again *phew* didn't do anything they just kicked off after 48 hours
Ignore, discovered something about having two nic's enabled. :eek:
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