New Biometric CCTV Camera Technology Super Scans


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
What would you call a face recognition camera that can scan a face, store it immediately already processed and scan through 36 million faces per second? Most people would just call it plain scary. Hitachi Hokusai Electric has developed a camera that can do all of this and more.

The 'trick' is that the camera 'processes' faces as it records, so that all faces which pass in front of it are recorded and stored instantly.
It was only a matter of time before they refined the process of plotting facial characteristics and putting it on a dedicated chip that can do it quickly to process and save the recognition data in realtime.

The scanning 36million faces part isn't all that impressive (IMO), it's not scanning, processing and comparing in realtime, the raw data for comparison is already there in memory and we all know computers in this age do very well at number comparisons. While the facial recognition data is being created from the recent scan, it's probably already narrowing down the search scope for the comparison dataset so by the time it has to perform the search, the dataset used for comparison isn't that big (relatively speaking).

Still, this is cool, but I'm just not surprised by it (the possibilities for misuse are definitely scary).
meant to write *the raw data for comparison is more than likely already present in memory*.

Whatever, anyone know more about this thing?