Mass Effect 3 Discussion Thread


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2007
March 7th. 3 weeks away from ME3. Not going to lie, I'm pretty stoked about it and I decided to just go ahead and start the traditional [H] thread for an upcoming AAA title.

Personally, although I don't look down upon multiple playthroughs or having multiple "shephard's" to play with, I stand strongly by the having an "original" shephard. You know, you're first playthrough where you acted based on how you felt rather than about having a "perfect" playthrough, or a paragon or renegade only playthrough etc. I feel that the "original" playthrough is a story that was actually crafted by you. I mean, everyone can do the perfect playthrough but where is the sense of accomplishment. I only have 1 playthrough on both ME's for this reason. ME1 went like this for me : Was pretty much neutral on the paragon/renegade scale, killed the rachni queen because I didn't want them around anymore; killed wrex because honestly, who was he to question me; saved ashley because well, my shep is a male and let the council die because they the focus was on sovereign; also put Anderson in charge. In ME2, pretty much, thane and jack died because I didn't know not upgrading certain parts of the ship would cause death; I took my time rescueing the crew because I went and did Legion's loyalty mission which resulted in the crew being killed and I blew up the Collector Base so the Illusive Man is a little pissed. So yea, I don't know, I think the first playthrough is the one I'm most excited about because I have to deal with the decisions I made based on my gut feeling, not a pre-determined route. It's the story I crafted and the story I'm going to continue and end with. How about you all?
Playing Mass Effect 1 and 2 back to back, currently need to recruit the asari and the geth in 2.

Count me looking forward to it.
Ditto. Played both ME1 and 2 to hell and back, and I expect to do the same with ME3. March 7 is sure taking its time...
Ditto. Played both ME1 and 2 to hell and back, and I expect to do the same with ME3. March 7 is sure taking its time...

Me, too.

I know I may as well have my gaming plate completely clear for when this thing comes out.
I think I'm going to wait a while on this one. Not that I'm not excited for it, but knowing that EA never puts the DLC on sale on the PC, I want to wait until I can ensure I'll get the game and all of the inevitable story addons for $50. Plus the backlog is large and I need to replay 1 & 2 first.

Avoiding spoilers is always a challenge though!
I think I'm going to wait a while on this one. Not that I'm not excited for it, but knowing that EA never puts the DLC on sale on the PC, I want to wait until I can ensure I'll get the game and all of the inevitable story addons for $50. Plus the backlog is large and I need to replay 1 & 2 first.

Avoiding spoilers is always a challenge though!

LOL, screw that dude. I bought the previous games on day one, physical collector's editions, and never regretted it and bought everything that came out for them also and never regretted it.

Same will be true with this one. No way do I have the self control that you're proposing for yourself here. If you call pull that off, my hat's off to you but you'll have avoid a lot of areas like the plague to avoid spoilers. Good luck. :)
Same will be true with this one. No way do I have the self control that you're proposing for yourself here. If you call pull that off, my hat's off to you but you'll have avoid a lot of areas like the plague to avoid spoilers. Good luck. :)
I hope so too. :)

But money is very tight at the moment so concessions must be made. I was lucky with the first two games as I got on the bandwagon very late and played them both back to back. The big changes at the beginning of the second game were a complete surprise. I already know how ME3 begins, so I won't be able to achieve that level of aloofness!
Unfortunately, I lost my original playthrough when I forgot to back it up right before I did one of my regular reformats. Made me extremely angry. Didn't stop me though, I've never understood the allure in trying to get that "perfect" playthrough. I'm not one of those hardcore perfectionist gamers, and I think that is what allowed me to create another "original" playthrough where my actions were based on what I would actually do, rather than wanting a specific outcome.

In any case, I'm anxiously awaiting this game. Pre-ordered the Collector's Edition the moment it was available.
Unfortunately, I lost my original playthrough when I forgot to back it up right before I did one of my regular reformats. Made me extremely angry. Didn't stop me though, I've never understood the allure in trying to get that "perfect" playthrough. I'm not one of those hardcore perfectionist gamers, and I think that is what allowed me to create another "original" playthrough where my actions were based on what I would actually do, rather than wanting a specific outcome.

In any case, I'm anxiously awaiting this game. Pre-ordered the Collector's Edition the moment it was available.

Same thing happened to me when I built my new computer. I completely forgot to backup my saves. Got an authentic rageface moment once I realised what I had done...

For the first time in my life playing ME1 and ME2 did not feel fun as I had to play them out of necessity back then. Atleast managed to recreate my "canon" Shep that I play as "myself", but others (full renegades and paragons, plus experimentals) are lost forever. Hours of gameplay data from two years of playing them. *sigh* God bless the though.

Damnit, this is exactly the reason why I HATE when games put saves into My Documents folder instead of their own one at my game HD. :mad:
Also lost original save files. However, I'm always consistent on the big game decisions: always save Ashley, always romance the blue chick, never save the council, always save the giant lobster, always appoint the ambassador. In ME2 I always try to save my crew, but I still haven't figured out how to get through with all of them alive. I also always blow the collector ship up at the end.

Sometimes I'm in the mood to be an asshole and consequently take the Renegade points.
My only beef is that the game won't be available through Steam on launch day. Other than that I am extremely excited about this game. I originally played ME1 and ME2 on the consoles but I'm probably only going to play ME3 on the PC. I already grabbed the first two and played through to get my character ready for the third.

This is one of the few games I am excited about in 2012. This should turn out to be the best video game trilogy in gaming.
Does anyone know how to fix this error? I've tried reinstalling etc. with no luck = (

Does anyone know how to fix this error? I've tried reinstalling etc. with no luck = (

What drivers are you running? I'm using the 295.51 beta drivers without any issue myself. They added SLI support for ME3 in them.

Gameplay was smooth as butter too, even on my lowly 460's.
Re-installing what? ME3 demo or your nVidia drivers? You got the latest 285.62 WHQL drivers?
Re-installing what? ME3 demo or your nVidia drivers? You got the latest 285.62 WHQL drivers?

I just noticed, if that screen is from his "current beasty" in his sig, he's running AMD not really sure what to suggest if thats the case.
I just noticed, if that screen is from his "current beasty" in his sig, he's running AMD not really sure what to suggest if thats the case.

Download and install the standalone PhysX drivers from Nvidia's website like the error message says.
I just noticed, if that screen is from his "current beasty" in his sig, he's running AMD not really sure what to suggest if thats the case.

Doesnt matter. Physx is a physics engine, much like Havok, and is used in various games and utilises CPU for it and you may need latest version to run this game. Nvidia hardware GPU Physx effects that are supported in few games are a different thing.

Full retail version / digital download propably contain the needed version that is installed automatically, but for this demo you may need to install them yourself just like what the error message says.
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I like the game for what it is. Not impressed with it technically. Gameplay is ok and story is ok so far. Beta stiff and clunky movement and facial movements are lol. Graphics are glossed over low end to work with consoles but still cool enough looking in a broad sense.

Not buying it new until it releases and we see what else gets fixed and how multiplayer works. Looks like a fun game.
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Care to provide proof of that?

Also a member of your team I think.
Also a member of your team I think.

Oh my God, NO!!! You actually listened them!? Bioware what were you thinking!? :eek: EDI already had a body, and thats the whole Normandy for petes sake!

My expectations on ME3 just took a nosedive. Its still high up there, but... this revelation hurts my head so much. Mercy!
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I love fucking a cold lifeless female form as much as the next guy but not when it fucks up my videogames.

We don't know if Edi-in-robotic-form will or not. :p I'll wait to play it before I decide that such is a failure point.
She might be kind of demanding...she did "joke" that she liked to see humans on their knees. ;)
I actually heard if you don't fuck EDI that Joker does and if you don't fuck Tali, Garrus fucks her. The ship is basically an orgy.

Where are you "hearing" all this stuff? Or are you just making it up to troll? And really, if all of civilization is going to be vaporized by a bunch of robots, I think people would be shacking up at an increased rate.

Although nothing could be quite as horribly, horribly wrong as being vaporized just prior to climax..."Almost there....almost there....yee...ZAP." :D