Study: Doorways May Cause Memory Lapses


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
We have all experienced this phenomenon at one time or another: You enter a room and suddenly forget why you entered or what you were about to do. A Notre Dame Psychology professor has conducted experiments on the subject. The study confirms at least one thing: You aren’t forgetful, just compartmentalized. :D

Radvansky discovered that the subjects tended to forget more after they walked through a doorway compared to moving the same distance across a room.
Let me guess, all doorways will now be banned and made illegal so that this doesn't happen anymore?
Attention citizens, we, your benevolent and loving government, have now decreed an end to these memory lapsing causing doorways.
We will no longer have buildings with their walls and potential to contain doorways.
Everything will now be outside with no walls, to save you from these offending doorways.
We do not want our fellow citizens to suffer the minor inconvenience of having a temporary memory lapse caused by these evil, offending doorways.
After all, it is for your own good because we said so. :p
Great so as I get older and more forgetful we can attribute it to walking into a new room, no need to spend any sort of research money trying to fight Alzheimer's anymore, just remove all walls and everyone sleeps outside (going to be a pain for those in cold climates)
i think this is one reason why newer open floorplan house interiors are so popular

we lived in a 3000 sq ft house that had the old 1980 type floorplan, closed off dining room, closed off "sitting room", kitchen and living room sectioned off, you could not see clearly from one room to another