notification of being quoted

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Oct 24, 2005
About 5 years ago I suggested a feature that would notify you when you have been quoted and link you to the post quoting you. I have begun to use forums and they have just about the best vBulletin out there and it does this notification amazingly well with ajax stckable notification popups in the lower right hand corner of the screen. This increases my interactivity with the site because I know it will be pain free to see when my comment or question is respond to and I know the author will be notified of my response, if I have one.

Super useful feature. Please consider looking into that plugin to up [H]'s vB game.

Sounds like a good feature, but we already have subscriptions for threads that you assign to have email notifications sent to you when someone posts in them. Subscriptions are a good way of keeping track of threads you are interested in, which includes responses to your posts.

It would be seemingly redundant. 2 email notifications, one for your subscription, another for notifying that someone quoted you? Seems like a waste of bandwidth.
I don't think an email notification is necessary but a little notification window within the forum would be a cool feature like under private messages or something, then again, my posts are never quote worthy so I don't care that much :p
I don't think an email notification is necessary but a little notification window within the forum would be a cool feature like under private messages or something, then again, my posts are never quote worthy so I don't care that much :p
There ya go. Yeah, I wasn't thinking an email. I never use emails but just subscribe without email so I see if something was added in User CP. Just a PM style notification area is what I was thinking. For instance, the battlefield 3 thread scrolls really quickly and if I post a question and then check the thread the next day I have to look through a few pages to see if it's been answered. If someone quotes me and i'm notified, with an ajax popup for instance like slickdeals does, I can respond faster.
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