Walking Dead, CDC and Zombies on Emergency Preparedness


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Based on the success and exposure from the hit TV show Walking Dead, the CDC is successfully raising awareness of being prepared for anything, even a zombie Apocalypse. If you can be prepared for a zombie onslaught, you can survive any emergency. That’s a great way to ride the wave of zombie popularity to accomplish the goal of civil preparedness in the face of a disaster.

Organizers hoped the theme would attract more volunteers than previous simulations of industrial accidents or train crashes. As an extra treat, they're offering prizes for the most outstanding costume and makeup and the best zombie walk.
I hope this "attract"s a zombie swarm to give the volunteers an idea what a really ZA would be like.

If it gets more people involved in preparing for real emergencies,more power to them. If we've learned anything from recent disasters,like the disgraceful response to Hurricane Katrina,it's that people,and the government in particular,just don't plan ahead well enough.
There's already a zombie apocalypse going on. I hear they're occupying Zuccotti Park right now.

Also.. has anyone ever seen The Frozen Dead? :D
A mutated Mad Cow Disease is probably the closest we'll get to having zombies in the real world. :[