This Explains why Rage Sucks on the PC?


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
This Explains why Rage Sucks on the PC?

Head over to PC Gamer to hear it from Carmack first hand, but what follows below will come as no surprise to many of you that have experienced Rage on the PC.

"When I look back as probably one of the larger mistakes I made on Rage, and I know I am probably not the best person to be giving these end-of-project interviews, because I always focus on what I did, what I should have done differently, the opportunities I missed, all of that."
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Nice work there Carmack and Id "We knew this would happen... but we said fuck it instead".
6 years later and they realized that just now?

I know nothing about programming, but if someone writes a game on a PC and plans to have it released on that platform, why not go balls out on it for PC and then downscale whatever is needed for a console to run it properly?
well, I think he said that throughout the build process but at least he said it.. again.
Megatexture proof-of-concept? Check. PCs screwed in the bargin... check.
6 years later and they realized that just now?

I know nothing about programming, but if someone writes a game on a PC and plans to have it released on that platform, why not go balls out on it for PC and then downscale whatever is needed for a console to run it properly?

They attempted to do this with Quake a while back, wow that game ran like poop on consoles.
This is a poor excuse. He damn well knew that PCs kill consoles in performance, he should be fired.
Surprised that he cares. Didn't he say a short while ago that mobile gaming is the future? He'll go where the money is.
Wow, I feel sorry for anyone who didn't see this video when it came out... I saw it then, we had forum posts about it, etc...
Surprised that he cares. Didn't he say a short while ago that mobile gaming is the future? He'll go where the money is.

yeah, I'm waiting for his first mobile game to be developed on the iPhone then ported to the 360 and PC ..........
They could do what blizzard is doing with diablo 3. Just build up a separate version of the same game on the console without porting.
Surprised that he cares. Didn't he say a short while ago that mobile gaming is the future? He'll go where the money is.

Mobile gaming is the future, as is cloud computing. In the near future having a home PC will be the thing of the past. You'll have a terminal, and/or a handheld terminal.
Mobile gaming is the future, as is cloud computing. In the near future having a home PC will be the thing of the past. You'll have a terminal, and/or a handheld terminal.

That's fine as long as they don't try to port from mobile to anything else.
The last few things he talked about I think are important. If the design and gameplay suck, no graphics will save that. He also admits at several points, maybe indirectly, that they weren't trying to go for high fidelity, one of his main goals was no repeating textures and an improved development cycle for the designers.

It's a shame he feels if they only catered to PC users they'd go out of business though. I'm not sure that's true, but it's a sad thing in any case.
The question is now, what is John Romero... er, I mean... Carmack, and his team of intern programmers going to do now?

Try to stand by their product and try to patch in enhancements to bring the game up to par with modern PC's?

Or are they just going to cut and run, and start on their next console to PC shovel-ware project, that being Doom 4?
Well, they've said numerous times that the rage team is now fully on doom 4, wheras before they were partially on it. They've also said the textures will be higher res, or more details... not exactly sure their wording, but Carmack said to expect higher fidelity, locked at 30Hz instead of 60Hz, because it'll be a slower paced game.

I just hope the gameplay delivers. I doubt many people want Doom 3 with megatextures...
They could do what blizzard is doing with diablo 3. Just build up a separate version of the same game on the console without porting.

umm.. what? they making diablo 3 on consoles? I thought they r just thinking about it.

on topic, nothing really surprising about this at all. Why is everyone so surprised that a game that is being released on all 3 systems, the main focus is the bigger 2?
Mobile gaming is the future, as is cloud computing. In the near future having a home PC will be the thing of the past. You'll have a terminal, and/or a handheld terminal.

Sure. Right. Heard that one before, never came to pass. Turns out people like having their own computers for various reasons. Heck in general newer computer technologies don't kill off older ones. Desktops didn't kill mainframes. There are more mainframes now than when they were the only computers out there. That's not very many, but still. Laptops didn't kill desktops. They outnumber them but desktop sales are as strong as they ever were.

No, mobile gaming is not "The Future(tm)". For certain it is and will be big. People want to play games on mobile devices, and indeed have done so since the gameboy. However it isn't not going to be the only place you find games.
mobile gaming wont kill anything because there is still a market out there and as long as there is a market for it, companies will try to capture that market.
Can we let it go? This many posts were never made when DNF came out as a steaming pile. ou almost need a remove Rage hate from Hardocp front page like you do a remove apple post at engadget everytime something apple pops up.
yeah. I like kyle, but the front page, as well as the top corner of the page.. get over it, its a game. damn lol
If you even remotely followed this game during it's development you'd of known that it would be a console-centric title.

I'm still looking forward to playing it, but I'm gonna wait to see what the next few patches bring. id's been great about supporting their games post-release.

I feel sorry for those that thought otherwise but it's not really anyone's fault but your own.
One thing I love about Carmack is that he's not a business man. He's the Wozniak of the gaming world...only cares about the nuts and bolts.

I have a feeling that he's going to unload something amazing next game, because of his sheer displeasure with RAGE. I think he got obsessed with the megatetxture and lost focus.
Rage sucks on the console too, It looks even more like ass on consoles and aiming sucks and that is sad.
One thing I love about Carmack is that he's not a business man. He's the Wozniak of the gaming world...only cares about the nuts and bolts.

I have a feeling that he's going to unload something amazing next game, because of his sheer displeasure with RAGE. I think he got obsessed with the megatetxture and lost focus.

Dunno about that, the nuts and bolts seem to be the biggest problem.
Rage sucks cause they focused more on the engine and forgot about actually making a compelling game underneath. That's not really new, the first Assassin's Creed game and Crysis were like that as well. Both games looked pretty and were "firsts" in some respects, but a side effect from being "first" is that as a pioneer, they didn't know exactly what to do with what they created.

It's a convulted way of looking at it, but that's how I perceive it.
Played it, what a waste of a game. And it's an insanely huge download as well.
I will say this, my 10 year old son thinks it is cool, but then again he liked Crysis 2 as well.
Mobile gaming is the future, as is cloud computing. In the near future having a home PC will be the thing of the past. You'll have a terminal, and/or a handheld terminal.

not me
So they didnt realized 2,3 years ago that pcs were powerful enough or ? lame answer..
"When I look back as probably one of the larger mistakes I made on Rage, and I know I am probably not the best person to be giving these end-of-project interviews, because I always focus on what I did, what I should have done differently, the opportunities I missed, all of that."

I had to read this line a few times, because it didn't make any grammatical sense.

...and it still doesn't make any sense.

ok, so Rage sucks. What's next ?
"PCs, although being an order of magnitude faster, still struggle to maintain framerate due to arms-length API issues"

Seriously this should not have been a surprise to people. id has not made a good game in a long time and has been focusing on the iphone and other non-pc related gaming.