Battlefield 3 General Discussion Thread


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
So...the old BF3 thread located here, has become a major pain in the ass because several individuals can't manage to behave like adults.

So given that fact, consider yourself warned that any "wiggle room" we normally give will be considerably lower here than in other threads due to the prior issues. Also, anyone who has been previously instructed to no longer participate in this thread is now permitted to, given the impending release.

Discussion of BF3 may now resume.
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Here's a screenshot I took of Caspian Border which does not do the map justice. :D


Are we allowed to post the password here every time it changes?
been playing the beta tonight, such good fun. once you unlock the out :)

Anyone else having a problem with getting disconnected in the last 20s of a round?

My last four matches:


Lost all that progress. Yes, it is a beta but damn... this is aggravating.
anyone know if its possible to set up more than one soldier? Don't like the name on mine right now and want to switch
anyone know if its possible to set up more than one soldier? Don't like the name on mine right now and want to switch

you get one solidier..unless you make another Origin account..and if you read the official forums..many people have complained on this doeasnt look like its gonna be changed..its a Origin Problem..not a BF3 problem.

Anyone else having a problem with getting disconnected in the last 20s of a round?

My last four matches:


Lost all that progress. Yes, it is a beta but damn... this is aggravating.

I've found that if the attackers run out of tickets, I get booted and lose everything. If the attacking team wins, I'll load in to the next round no problem. I quit once the attackers hit 10 tickets every round that I unlock something or at least get a big pile of points.
yea, im getting the same problem getting disconnected right before a round is about to end......
you get one solidier..unless you make another Origin account..and if you read the official forums..many people have complained on this doeasnt look like its gonna be changed..its a Origin Problem..not a BF3 problem.


I assume you mean nothing is going to change for the beta but it will be fixed for the final? I hope its that way.

Thanks for the info.
Just had a round on Caspian Border. So much lag it was unplayable. I'm hoping its just because of people from overseas connecting to the US server dragging it down because if it isn't the NET Code can't handle 64 players.

That would be depressing
I made a nice video showing off the physics and destruction in BF3

The physics are pretty disappointing. There are no complete building collapses like in BC2. You can only blow out the sides of buildings and the destruction on everything else does not have persistent physics just cool effects. Aside from that the destruction effects really add some nice detail to the game.

I assume you mean nothing is going to change for the beta but it will be fixed for the final? I hope its that way.

Thanks for the info.

in all is a server patch thats gonna be put out tonite after 12 midnite london time..something like that..its on the official servers..

that talks about the update..they are basically gonna turn off Destruction.and some other server tweaks.
has anyone's download bar been stuck at 100%?

I go to the folder location and it's 3.9GB and no longer downloading anything additional, but Origin has BF3 beta stuck at 100% and still downloading something when mousing over the download bar.
I made a nice video showing off the physics and destruction in BF3

The physics are pretty disappointing. There are no complete building collapses like in BC2. You can only blow out the sides of buildings and the destruction on everything else does not have persistent physics just cool effects. Aside from that the destruction effects really add some nice detail to the game.

Why does it appear that your rockets fire & disappear then hit & it takes an extra second for the destruction to happen. Like it's delayed and very obviously delayed.
So, two problems I've had so far. I downloaded Origin, started downloading BF3. Got BSOD. Tried restarting, BSOD again, and again, and again. Pulled out All but 1 Ram stick, computer turned on. Slowly put them all back in. All is well now, but why would downloading BF3 do that?

Also, I've noticed that when I die, sometimes after I respawn, the screen will retain the blue filter and everything will be blue.

Other than those two problems, the game is fun, and runs just fine on my rig, just in case someone else with a similar setup is wondering, and I'm running it on Ultra.
anyone with a 6950 or 6970, what kind of frame rates are you pulling? I seem to be getting anywhere from 28 - 48 depending on what im looking at on medium/high settings.
The game definitely needs a lot of polish.... And I'm not sure why they released such a crappy map for people to beta test. Caspian Border is WAYY more fun than Operation Metro (which I think is a terrible map ).
@needmorecarnitine , thank for posting that link. I was really worried. Looks like everyone is running slow.
The game definitely needs a lot of polish.... And I'm not sure why they released such a crappy map for people to beta test. Caspian Border is WAYY more fun than Operation Metro (which I think is a terrible map ).
Same not sure what was there intention with Metro but Caspian Border just pisses all over Operation Metro

Anyone else having a problem with getting disconnected in the last 20s of a round?

My last four matches:


Lost all that progress. Yes, it is a beta but damn... this is aggravating.

I time out about 5 second before the last M-com blows and I have lead the server like three times.. Sad, very sad!

The game definitely needs a lot of polish.... And I'm not sure why they released such a crappy map for people to beta test. Caspian Border is WAYY more fun than Operation Metro (which I think is a terrible map ).

I think they are letting us play this map because it has more problems then any of the others and needs the most work finding all the bugs. I mean, Caspian Border is a lot more fun as well as polished.
@scojer, have you updated your video driver?

Yeah, I'm running the beta drivers that they just released. Should I roll back? It's not a big deal, if I just go to the menu and back again it goes away. The thing that worried me was my RAM messing up somehow. All is good now though, so far.
I am so damn sick of Metro on Rush. Really though its just the first outside portion of the map I hate, every single person attacker and defender sitting in a bush.
yep, there is no reason they shouldn't have caspian as the main map, its soo much better then metro. Its such an awesome showcase of BF and would make first timers want to purchase the game.
My CTD at the end of rounds has been fixed, i am started my 4th Caspian round in a row!:D
Yeah, I'm running the beta drivers that they just released. Should I roll back? It's not a big deal, if I just go to the menu and back again it goes away. The thing that worried me was my RAM messing up somehow. All is good now though, so far.

I bumped to the newest betas too. I had to reboot to get some stability on it but it sounds like you've already done that (running an 8800M GTX).
I would agree, do expect people to play rush on one map for what 10 days, seems to be a bit of a stretch.

Yea they do, and guess what?

We did it for Alpha.... lol so now we got about 20 days of metro by time this ends...