Yahoo hacked?


Oct 9, 2008
anyone had there yahoo mail hacked? it keeps happening to me ive ran kaspersky internet suite malware spybot ....changed passwords ........still getting pwned wtf ?
The most likely causes are:
- You have a keylogger on your machine.
- You're using unsecured wifi to login.
- You use the same password somewhere else.
- Your password is extremely common.
Just stop using yahoo and their crapmail? I get email faster, and with less spam and troubles by using gmail. Yahoo in general has issues.
Just stop using yahoo and their crapmail? I get email faster, and with less spam and troubles by using gmail. Yahoo in general has issues.

I've seen as many hacked gmail accounts as I have any other.

Snowknight26 had sound advice. Using bad passwords in an unsafe manner allows anything to be hacked.

Want really secure mail, run your own server, and don't connect to the Internet at all. Really reduces SPAM. :)
re-install to make sure you're getting rid of keyloggers.

Then invest in anti keylogger soft ware, and dont download warez(if you do)

Use LastPass or any other password manager than can generate that can generate complex passwords and remember them for you.

Another thing i do is use Acronis True Image home, i installed a fresh os, installed my apps and games and updated, then made a backup, every few months or when i have problems, i load that backup, and apply any changes i made (like installing a new program) then make a new backup:)
I just had 4 users get whacked with spyware through yahoo mail. no clue what happened