Mutually beneficial referrals?

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Jan 20, 2008
I'm curious about the referral policy in the Hot Deals section.

Why is it not allowed to post a referral if it benefits both parties in the same manner, provided the referral is is mentioned in the post?

It seems like the deals sections would benefit from certain instances of this, and even this forum benefits from referrals as well:

The example where is happens is with the referrals, where each person gets $5 credit for the purchases, like in the thread I made a bit ago:
The problem is that once we allow one person to do it, everyone and their brother will be doing it too. Granted everyone clicking your link gets $5 off, meanwhile you get $40, $50, $70...? Would it be fair to start a chain, where everyone clicks the last guys referral code? If so, who manages it to make sure it's being applied fairly to everyone?

I agree that it's kind of a good deal, but it ends up turning hotdeals into just one massive referral thread after another, and people start using the forum for profit instead of just sharing good deals. I'm absolutely not saying that was your motivation, but it's what would happen regardless. Sorry.
Please use your own forums for YOUR referrals.
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