Radeon and Geforce one for bitmining and one for cuda?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 23, 2005
Right now I have a radeon 5870 mining but I wondering if its possible to put my Geforce 460GTX on and have that be used as my main card? I'd like to use premiere and do some cuda acceleration with it. Thank you very much.
screw bitmining!. You will be depressed when you get your 400 dollar power bill for 20 dollars in bitchcoin.

To answer your question. Sure why not.
lol i calculated my bill its not that much
anyways any tips on how to get this aboiut?
It cost me ~$80 to run my dual 4890's in Milkway for around 12-16hr a day for a month. So $400 power bill is probably way off unless you live in a country that has very high electrical costs, but yea if you only get like $20 or so for a month of mining then its still not worth it.

Bitcoins in general seem like a scam or at least scam prone to me, I'd stay away.

OP: I don't think you'll get it working. I've heard of some people doing it for BOINC but even then they have lots of issues. Usually hooking the nV card up to a monitor did the trick though a few reported sucess without doing so for no reason they could determine.
i can see your point but I've gained enough to offset
how did you manage to install it?

oh i see
i think i should wait for my 750ax to arrive today before pairing a 6950 and a 460gtx lol