Doom 3 mods


Fully [H]
Jul 12, 2007
are there any graphics mods for doom 3 out there that make it extra awesome?
Speaking of Doom mods, where are all of the good Doom 1 remakes? I've seen a few but they had a bunch of extra crap put in. I want a real Doom remake with no extra's ... just Doooooooooooooooooom
are there any graphics mods for doom 3 out there that make it extra awesome?
Try this one, and set r_lightscale to 3. I've tried dozens of shader mods from FileFront, and this is my favourite.

Speaking of Doom mods, where are all of the good Doom 1 remakes? I've seen a few but they had a bunch of extra crap put in. I want a real Doom remake with no extra's ... just Doooooooooooooooooom
Classic Doom 3 is about as true to the original as you can get. If you want something exactly the same, just grab a source port.
I tried classicdoom when it was in alpha. It was a remake of the first episode of original doom done in the doom 3 engine.
Ok got it to work had to turn off Catalyst AI but it looks like im looking though a dirty window , Something is messed up with the lighting.
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Well, according to their page yes, but they only did the shareware levels. Not the whole game.

If you download the original doom map port for Doom 3, and read through the txt files, it sounds more like the developers ran into a disagreement and the team split up. I dont know if thats true or not, but the txt files cast a shadow on the rest of the project.
is this thread real? people play DOOM 3?

yes people do - just like people play half life 2 [didnt they come out about the same time?]

i for one revisit old games often / the metroid games get lots of lovin...

that being said, i find myself playing through doom 3 and half life 2 and fallout and nox and diablo 2 and a host of other games...

maybe i dont go all the way through - but its good to tread through familiar territory from time to time...

I actually ended up getting really bored with this on the first damn level..I just picked it off the shelf cause I was bored and wanted something to didn't help.

so I ended up playing this instead.

Group released Doom64 for the PC pretty much...further reading it is the only Doom version that didn't follow the PC doom.
Posted via Mobile Device
yes people do - just like people play half life 2 [didnt they come out about the same time?]

That is not justified, DOOM 3 doesn't compare to HL2, if you compare them it would be HL2 - 10 to DOOM 3 - 1.

Nah it was an ok game, just lack of everything from multi-player to even having a poor single player story line.

What can you play? the single player over and over? lol

I played it and started playing DOOM when it 1st came out, I loved the DOOM line of games and was really kinda upset by how long it took to produce and how bad DOOM 3 was. oh well.
Classic Doom3 turned my friends house into a fn Doom fest 2 years ago when we discovered it, thats all we played for almost 2 months straight. Roomates even put TF2 and CSS on hold @_@
I want a Deathkings of the Dark Citadel remake. Ravensoft was the sh!t back then.