Big Price Drops on NVIDIA Cards Coming


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Word on the street is that NVIDIA is changing UMAP pricing on the GTX 460 1GB and the GTX 470 for the better, from the consumers perspective anyway.
This is good news though, especially for penny pinchers like myself. Looking forward to seeing where both cards will land price wise. Maybe an upgrade is in my future.
Hmm, so I guess nvidia will position 470 1.2GB to battle 6870 and perhaps 4601gb to battle 6850. That would probably put both GPU's near neck and neck from the leaked benchmarks I've seen.

I'm not surprised. I anticipated a pricing change but just how cheap will those 470''s be available for... Dare I say $199.99!!
Love competition and price wars, always good for the consumer and helps gets more capable cards into more gamers hands!
GOOD, i'm still running my old BFG 295 and wouldnt mind buying a new card or two
Wow, already seeing fantastic deals on quite a few 460 cards, I wonder will all the other brands simply lower to those rates being "the norm" or will they get even cheaper. I got an older 8800GTS card that could use some serious replacement :D
I'd say the 470 will move into the 460 1gb spot at around $220 the 460 1gb will move into the 768mb spot at about $170 and the 768mb version for maybe $140

Just guessing, hopefully they'll be even cheaper.
Price drops are always welcome. Though an AMD fan, I'd prefer it if Nvidia could fix Fermi and match performance on the upcoming HD6000 series. I would save a hundred bucks or more on my next purchase.
Love competition and price wars, always good for the consumer and helps gets more capable cards into more gamers hands!

Yup, the faster more capable video cards get into the hands of consumers, the more pressure developers will have to offer us games that actually look good. Jeez i'm getting tired of crappy console ports..........

In a way, you can almost smell the fear that nVidia has right now. Price cuts are the only thing they can offer just like price cuts are the only thing that AMD's cpu division can offer compared to Intel's stuff right now.
I'm assuming the 480 will go down as well, although not as much. Otherwise it will be eaten not only by newer AMD offerings but also the 470.
I was expecting this. I have been very close to pulling the triggs on 2 gtx 460 1gb cards. If I can get two of those babies for $300, that my good man, would bring 1360x768 gaming to a whole-nother level. And maybe time for a monitor upgrade :D
Any news on the 480 GTX? I presume it will be dragged down, but would love it if it dropped a bit, been hoping to pick up a few...
Depending on how far the price drops a 470 might look tempting.

Edit - n/m a 470 wouldn't be a good upgrade now that I looked at some specs.
Hope I didn't make a mistake when I got a couple of Galaxy 470 for $239 each 3 months ago...

However, I do love a price war. Thinking about replacing my X-Fire 5850 system real soon. It's my lowest system GPU wise atm. So can't wait for new 69XX series video cards.
As much as I contemplate SLI from time to time. I will not do it with a 470 GTX.
I dont think nvidia will drop the 480 price too much at least not until it has an idea of what Cayman will do. I think the 480 will have a good enough lead to keep the price over $300 for the time being.
I was expecting this. I have been very close to pulling the triggs on 2 gtx 460 1gb cards. If I can get two of those babies for $300, that my good man, would bring 1360x768 gaming to a whole-nother level. And maybe time for a monitor upgrade :D

I hear you, I'm in the same boat, I want to try sli just once. The one reason for waiting on these cards is the less power consumption and supposedly fan noise and the ocing.
This is very good news..

I really wish I knew how good these cards were at cuda applications. I don't even know if they have a tesla counter part or if it matters if the card is using tesla bios or not.

I am running MD simulations with VMD and NAMD. I just traded for a q9450 from the for sale section, I should have it by next week, and that should certainly help (these simulations can run for weeks.)

I am looking at benchmarks similar to the following...

This guy was getting the speed up using a regular gaming gpu. I get good performance increases even from my two 8800 gt gpus. I was thinking of grabbing a couple of 216 260 gpus from the for sale area, but cheaper prices on 1gb 460s might change my mind.

I should put together a benchmark simulation and see if any of the forum members would be willing to run it....
This all but confirms low street prices for the 68xx series. Looks like the consumer wins!
This is very good news..

I really wish I knew how good these cards were at cuda applications. I don't even know if they have a tesla counter part or if it matters if the card is using tesla bios or not.

I am running MD simulations with VMD and NAMD. I just traded for a q9450 from the for sale section, I should have it by next week, and that should certainly help (these simulations can run for weeks.)

I am looking at benchmarks similar to the following...

This guy was getting the speed up using a regular gaming gpu. I get good performance increases even from my two 8800 gt gpus. I was thinking of grabbing a couple of 216 260 gpus from the for sale area, but cheaper prices on 1gb 460s might change my mind.

I should put together a benchmark simulation and see if any of the forum members would be willing to run it....

I'd assume that you could just go by what the Folding@Home recommended hardware is. No one really pushes the GPUs to their limits for as long as they do like Folders do.

For folding, there is no reason to have Tesla cards because they're main advantage is more VRAM and that won't help. If what you're doing is processing, then you're in the same boat.
Time to swap out my 4850. If the 470 will sell for $200 and is comparable to a $250 6870, I'll have to pick one up.
Good. Now I can pull the trigger on another Galaxy 460 1gig and round out my SLi and be done for a while.
This is great news
I have been waiting for a solid price drop to commit.

Now.. with a price drop, that means something new is coming down the pipe soon.
I'd assume that you could just go by what the Folding@Home recommended hardware is. No one really pushes the GPUs to their limits for as long as they do like Folders do.

For folding, there is no reason to have Tesla cards because they're main advantage is more VRAM and that won't help. If what you're doing is processing, then you're in the same boat.

EDIT: I think you are right about the underlined part. I thought there might be other differences in the tesla parts, but I'm not too sure those difference exist or if they do how much of an impact they have.

I don't know for sure how comparable VMD and NAMD are to folding@home.

I have been doing a bit of digging here...

And I know I can get a nice boost from gpus, that much is sure. But that doesn't help someone like me, a person on a super tight budget, make the best buying decisions for my simulations.

The HPC department at my school wants me to use their stuff, but they won't give me a VPN line and I don't like to sit on campus for hours on end waiting for simulations to finish.

I have a couple of friends with 1 gb 460 gpus, but they don't want to run test with them, they want to game with them.:p
Awesome. I wanted to get a second 470 in Jan. I wonder how far they'll go down.
loved how Kyle dropped a massive hint that the 460 doesn't compete that well against the 6850/70 range.
I just wanna say thx for ATI or i guess AMD now for bringing out the 68xx series just in time for my gpu upgrade. Been planning on grabbing either two 470's or a 480 and the timing is just perfect. :D
Personally I'm content to wait and see what December brings with NV launching the Geforce 500 series. We'll have both camps next gen out and I'm sure they'll still be competing on price.
Awesome news folks. This is why I love competition. Keeps their egos in check and keeps prices reasonable. Gone are the days of 400 dollar cards for a mid high range.
Drat. Guess this means we have to wait until late November for the GTX 480 price drop.
Personally I'm content to wait and see what December brings with NV launching the Geforce 500 series. We'll have both camps next gen out and I'm sure they'll still be competing on price.

I think this is what I am going to do, maybe even wait longer. The GTX 460 SC looks interesting, I just don't know if it is a big enough improvement over my current card to make the purchase. I guess it all comes down to price.
Price war on! Thanks NV!

Kyle you are damned fast; you keep breaking these kinds of stories (price drops, Ubisoft, BFG, NV+Best Buy, etc.) well before anyone else does. Great job!
Personally I'm content to wait and see what December brings with NV launching the Geforce 500 series. We'll have both camps next gen out and I'm sure they'll still be competing on price.

I thought it was just one card? The 580?
I was antipacting this and pulled my gtx260 out a couple of days ago. the backup 8600gt is not exactly a fond revisting of the past...