Sapphire Radeon HD 5770 1GB -- $115 shipped AR -- Newegg


Apr 1, 2007

$140 add to cart:
minus $15 MIR:
minus $10 coupon code: VGA577873

Courtesy of Slickdeals:
Limit one rebate per house hold... but you're still looking at only $245 for Crossfire 5770's that rock the GTS 450's world. Or $115 for an upgrade that would shame many of my coworker's rigs. :)

You have to deal with ATI drivers, but who can argue, at this price.

BTW, this has one of those "no wait rebate" options that GREATLY speeds up the rebate process for a two or three dollar service charge.
You have to deal with ATI drivers, but who can argue, at this price.
ATI drivers have been on par with Nvidia since the R300 cards. Neither company doesn't have an issue here or there with certain games, but overall the experience for most people will be no different as far as drivers are concerned between AMD and Nvidia. Quit spreading FUD about ATI.

Back to the original subject, this is a very good deal for anyone in need of a solid midrange card. Its finally being priced relative to its performance.
I wonder how well these would perform over a single 4870....I've been out of the market for awhile...
I have one of these in a my HTPC, very good card for 1920x1080. I keep reading these random posts about how horrible ATI drivers are. I don't see them being any worse than Nvidia's drivers. I have no issues with my 5870 or my 5770.
This is a good price on these. Great cards. I kinda expect some more drops on this card though with the GTX460 creeping down to the $150 price point. $115 for this card is a steal though.
Whoa, and I thought $125 AR was a pretty damn good deal.

expect better. AMD already said that they would match the price of the 450 with the 5770. as some of the prices have dropped to 100 dollars I expect more deals.

Price wars for the win!
Jesus! A 5770 for $100?!?!?

Ive been saving for a GTX470 / 5850 but if I can get my hands on a brand spankin' new 5770 for a C note, I dont think I could pass that up!
Jesus! A 5770 for $100?!?!?

Ive been saving for a GTX470 / 5850 but if I can get my hands on a brand spankin' new 5770 for a C note, I dont think I could pass that up!

I went from a 4850 to a GTX 460 and even that was a stretch as an upgrade. I don't think I would have upgraded to a 5770. YMMV, but they're too close IMO. I would keep saving.