Hell freezes over: Duke Nukem Forever @ PAX

Mr. Bluntman

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 25, 2007

Always bet on Duke. Now the million dollar question is if it's any good. I'd wager good, but not great. After following the game since that first article in PC Gamer back in the fall of '97, I'm thrilled that I will be at least be able to play it, good or bad.

Update here. It's confirmed and will be playable at PAX.

What does [H] think?
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Looks like Gearbox/Take2 took over and finished it? :eek::eek::eek:

Official Site



Live UStream
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I'm waiting for the punchline, the catch...something.

Thrilled to see Gearbox involved.
That chat and all is lit up. Those people are stoked. This is for real!
yet it's killing the feed. they need to control the flood!

They ought to shut it down. It's just warp speed spam at this point.

How far out is this game's release supposedly?
They aren't showing the game, so I lost interest in the stream. Damn cockteases.
But still not 100% finished as the inital gossip stated.

At least they got far enough to show something and apparently something playable to a point.

This camera guy can kiss my ass but the girl is cute. ;)

Playing it now...
I'll believe it when it hit the store shelves. Until then it'll still be vaporware.
Way more. I think this thing's for real. Gearbox will make this a good game.

The gameplay I'm seeing right now ain't vaporware.

Are they showing it on the feed or are you actually at PAX?
Looks like it's headed for all three. PC, XBox 360, and PS3. Looks out of date like we've feared, but hopefully some spit and polish is why we're not seeing it until next year.

Word to Gearbox: Don't fuck this up. Please?