FS: XFX & ASUS V2 reference 5770s, 1TB Green & Black HDDs, Xiggy HDT

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 23, 2009
XFX 5770 V2-$135 shippedPENDING TO Sc4r3d: no problems with this card, but because my power supply is at its limits with Xfire 5770s, im gonna switch to a 5850 for similar performace with less power consumption. never registered the card under my name, but the previous owner had it registered, so you can get the lifetime warranty. i have the registration code.

ASUS 5770 V2-$135 shippedPENDING TO Headcase: selling for same reason as the XFX model above. ill have to find out warranty but should be ~2.5 years. this card overclocks better than the XFX since it allows higher settings in CCC and also voltage tweak. i didnt really play much with either since i had them in Xfire and they were plenty of power as they were.



1TB Western Digital Black-$75 shippedSOLD TO hkazemi: works flawlessly, upgraded to an intel SSD for OS. has some warranty, but i will have to check how much once i pull it.

2x1TB Western Digital Green-$65 each shippedBOTH SOLD TO Gillbot: work flawlessly, replaced with a single 2TB drive for simplicity, and power and heat considerations. both have some warranty, but i will have to check how much once i pull them.

take off $5 if you buy 2 drives, $10 if you buy all 3. can also combo with 5770(s).

Xigmatek HDT-S1283-$20 shippedSOLD TO aweusx2: great condition, dont think i have the box, and i only have the 775 mounting.

im up for trades, but cant think of anything i want right now. offer away! my heat is under ekuest. i will post pics of the HDDs and the xiggy when i get a chance. ill also look up the warranty status. please feel free to bump if you look or PM me. happy trading!
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XFX 5770 V2-$135 shipped: no problems with this card, but because my power supply is at its limits with Xfire 5770s, im gonna switch to a 5850 for similar performace with less power consumption.

Have you registered the card, and if so are you willing to sign it over for future warranty purposes? If so I am very interested.
some stuff sold. put what i know about warranties on there, and when i get a chance today i'll check actual dates of warranty.
ttt, SunnyD is trying to get me to grab one of your vid cards too! DAMN HIM!
heh, BUY BUY BUY! the XFX card is supposedly sold, but i havent gotten payment and its been like 24 hours since he said he'd take it so as far as im concerned its still up for grabs. also, my inbox filled up overnight so if anyones message got rejected or something you might want to send it again. ;)
aw the new 5XXXs are so nice though!

pretty sure i have a buyer for the 1TB black. bump!
bump, both 5770s still available. had a lot of PMs on them but no ones returning them? maybe its just the weekend...
thanks again gillbot!

everyones lowballing me on these 5770s. i think theyre a good price. am i wrong?
thx dC0m!

im not accepting offers unless its for $135 for one, or $260 for both. sorry about the $160 typo. definitely $260 for both.
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PM SENT FOR XFX per the pm's mark it sold, payment pending your reply to my pm.
hey Sc4r3d i got your PM and replied to it. thanks

the cards are $135 each, or $260 for both. sorry about the typo but i was dead on my feet.

my inbox has been filling up, and that latest typo didnt help, but i am responding to PMs as best i can. combos get first priority, then in the order i received your PM. right now the cards are pending, but if that doesnt work out the XFX will be sold to Sc4r3d. i will update this post accordingly either way. thanks for bearing with me guys, its been a hectic weekend. :/

also, if you PM me please leave the old PMs quoted when you reply so that i can keep track of the history of our conversation. with 10 different conversations titled "5770" its hard to remember who's who. thanks! :)

EDIT: ok the buyer decided not to go for both 5770s, so the XFX is sold to Sc4r3d and the ASUS one is still available.
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ok both are pending payment now. i'll reopen the thread if either falls through. thanks everyone!
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