Kids Sing Portal "Still Alive"

Sometime last year while driving around with my son, he hooked up his iPod to the car stereo. He proceeded to play a few hard rocking, guitar-laden songs in a row. Then THIS song popped up.. and I just about died laughing!! Since I am not a gamer, I had never heard it before and didn't know why my son would have it on his iPod. I called it "The Wimpy Song" and it is one of the few "wimpy" songs I have ever heard him listen to!!

BTW, kids did a good job!!

It's mildly disturbing hearing a kid's choir sing this given the song content.
chokes me up. Gaming transcends all, I've been preaching this for decades now. proof is in the pudding as it were
Amazed that the choir director got this song approved given the nature of the song. That being said, great job kids, LOVED IT!!!
This video is amazing, but yeah, I imagine not too many of those kids were practicing at home in hearing shot of their parents.
Given the apparent ages of the kids, it's possible many of their parents are gamers and have played Portal.

Otherwise, *South Park Scientologist voice*that director is soooo getting suuued!
While awesome to see this occur, it is a slightly disturbing that they could sing this in this first place.

Parents cheered so it was a win!
I don't think the song content is THAT bad, certainly worse music out there with today's rap that kids listen to. I think this song is fun, and they did a good job. I love to see games get more media attention in a good way.
Looks like I'll be enrolling my daughter in choir pretty soon. Just have to get this approve. In fact, singing stuff like this would probably encourage more kids to join. The content does completely depend on the context, so it is surprising that it passed. But really, how can you hate that?
There are certainly much worse games kids can play than Portal. I bet 90% of the boys there play Battlefield or CoD type games all the time in front of their parents. Just because they are singing the word "dead" doesn't really make that song inappropriate. Just my $.02.
Yet where is the outrage over kids music albums that has songs like Lady Gaga's Paparazzi? (serious effed up lyrics if you know the meaning)...
Are you asking specifically from me? Well, it's in whatever thread applies to it. I don't go spouting off about completely random things. :D:D:D

Besides, I wasn't even aware of any kids' albums with Lady Gaga. Plus, there are so many fucked up things kids do with music anyways. The number of times I've heard my aunt laughing about her kids singing "Soldja Boi" or whatever the fuck that song was, and 10 year old girls singing about superman-ing hoes is pretty fucked up.

I don't know man. I'm :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I just don't like this kind of thing.

It just seems..............wrong...
"We do what we must because we can." A motto for America to live by :)

The Catholic church has already trademarked that motto...

FWIW - I grew up in England (semi-military school, though), and by age nine I was singing war songs in the school choir. One was even my favorite, and my mom even bought me items having to do with the song. I was certainly naive, but my parents should have known better.

I'll never forget us as children being asked to recite our fav song/poem, and one future ROTC student proudly reciting "Napalm sticks to kids."

A generation later, not much has changed...
"Once again, the Enrichment Center offers it's most sincere apologies..."
That was fun to watch. i imagine in this hyper-litigious, "you hurt my kids self esteem so I'll sue" society, that those lyrics and the context were explained waaaaaayyyyy before that song was performed.

Again, very fun...