generic keyboard key mapping software?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2008
Can anyone suggest something? I've been using a logitech keyboard for quite a few years that had a volume control knob and mute button that I used all the time. My new keyboard doesn't have one and I'd like to, hopefully, map volume +, - and mute to some less frequently used keys.

doing a google search leads me to those shareware sites filled with all kinds of ad's and bullcrap software. Figured someone here has to have used something for this in the past.

does windows have something like this built in? I'd gladly loose scroll lock, pause and print screen to have these functions back lol
Does your keyboard have any other special function buttons? I have used TweakUI from Microsoft to remap the Favorites and E-mail keys. It is listed as a Power Toy from MS to enhance Windows XP. But if you don't have any other keys, this probably won't help either.
