OEM: Athlon II X3 425 $51, Athlon II 435 X3 $59.50 Shipped Free (Bing cashback, Ebay)


Fully [H]
Sep 6, 2002
"Buy It Now" specials on Ebay. Don't ponder this too long, no telling when 15% cashback will end.

Go to Bing and search for "Nintendo Wii" then click the Ebay 15% Bing banner ad. Edit: Now Bing is at 20%, see post #8 below for details.

Then navigate to:

Athlon II X3 425 $51: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130335522119 ($48 with 20% cashback)


Athlon II X3 435 $59.50: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130335522372 ($56 with 20% cashback)

Bonus deal:

He also has the lowest price on the Athlon II X4 630 oem ($78 shipped with 20% Bing cashback)
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Must resist....

I want to ditch my parent's X2 5000+ BE and X2 5200+ BE for something much more efficent.
man these uder a $100 CPUs for 3 and 4 cores are hard not to buy.

this is where AMD has muscle to flex and need to do a better job of marketing and product development around these chips.
lol, i was clicking around those links as it takes a few steps to finally get to the checkout with the cashback and accidentally bought the 425 while only meaning to test it. good thing it's the cheapest one and a good deal anyways - the CB worked instantly as well. Popped up in my bing account within seconds of confirming payment.
lol, i was clicking around those links as it takes a few steps to finally get to the checkout with the cashback and accidentally bought the 425 while only meaning to test it. good thing it's the cheapest one and a good deal anyways - the CB worked instantly as well. Popped up in my bing account within seconds of confirming payment.
Almost did that a few times myself. You could probably flip it for a small profit (after fees) if you wanted to.
That's the same price as when i originally posted, except i listed the price after discount ;)

Looks like the merchant has tacked on $2 for shipping now though...

it looks like it went down to only 8% from 20% :(
Ya, but still a good deal for a person who needs a processor.

The new prices are as follows:

X3 425: $60 - $4.80 CB = $55.20 + $2 S/H = $57.20 shipped

X3 435: $70 - $5.60 CB = $64.40 + $2 SH = $66.40 shipped
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Are any of these chips good upgrades from a Phenom 9600?

Unless you can find a review comparing similar cores, i'd say that's a tough question to answer.

With the X3 chips i posted you'd have more mhz for single core apps, cooler running and better overclocks, but no L3 cache.

With the Phenom 9600 X4 you have a 4th core and L3 cache, but lower mhz per core and less overclockability.

It's almost a wash between the two, unless you're going to overclock the 425/435 then i think you should aim a little higher with your upgrade, such as the Athlon II X4 630 that i linked in my original post. You can re-use the same heatsink you have now, and sell your 9600 as an oem on ebay.
Frys in my area has a x3 435 and gigabyte 7025 mobo for $59. Going to try that tomorrow morning since I have tomorrow off.

I'm really just trying to get rid of the 9600. I don't like it. It's not compatible with Windows 7 64 or Vista 64. It's true. Google it.
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