FCC to Announce Net Neutrality Plan Monday

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
PC World is reporting that the FCC chairman is expected to announce a plan that will “formalize the idea of net neutrality” on Monday. I’m sure Comcast and others are thrilled that this is coming, considering that the FCC has slapped them around for their throttling practices already.

The announcement is also predicted to expand the scope of the concept of net neutrality to include broadband wireless service. A formal net neutrality guideline preventing preferential treatment of certain content or services could be applied to situations like the Google Voice app rejection by Apple, which the FCC is already investigating.
Great, as long as it is consumer friendly, our government is watching closely.
net neutrality is a virtual necessity of life. if you dont allow the internet to be free, a sub-internet will rise up and everything will just be screwed up. fair competition on the internet is of utmost importance, im glad theyre doing it.
I'd be more encouraged by this if it were someone else other than the FCC handling it.

Like who? Private companies with the same motives and more privacy and hidden books than the gov? I can't think of any significant private company that did something for the good of the populace.
well im glad to hear this from the FCC. I actually just filed a complaint with the FCC against my ISP.
Personally, I expect this to get screwed up. It'll end up blocking legitimate traffic shaping designed to ease congestion, or they'll use provisions for that sort of thing as loopholes to shape traffic they shouldn't.

I'd rather have better connections and more competition, and have the ability to decide with my money which ISPs are doing a good job. If we had actual choices for ISPs, I doubt any ISP would try it. If they did try it, they would suddenly be making a lot less money. Call me cynical, but I expect fancy new laws to do squat against these people known for twisting the law around. If there were a good way to directly affect their pocketbooks though, I bet they'd pay attention.

P.S. Hey AT&T, where's the symmetrical 45Mb service we already paid you $200 billion for (maybe $300 billion)? 1.5/128 DSL is not an acceptable substitution.
yeah, I think the telecoms will find ways around it, but at least somebody is trying.