A fully destructible FPS environment - Voxelstein 3D

Oct 26, 2005
I recall a lot of speculation around here about full environmental destructibility, and I also recall a few of us concluding that voxels are what it would take to make it happen.

Enter Voxelstein 3D, a Wolfenstein-inspired shooter built on Ken Silverman's Voxlap engine. Full destructibility is no exaggeration - the entire level is nothing but 37,000,000 little blocks, and you can smash every one of them.

Physical simulation is almost non-existent (anything left hanging in mid-air falls and vanishes, and that's about the extent of it), but it's still a step in the right direction.

Oh, and it has destructible voxel-based ragdolls:

Hold i, m and l together for a bunch of heath and ammo. Will also bring you back from the dead.

Open up the config file, find the "Knife configuration" section, set delay to 0.001 and distance to 100 to make yourself a miniature jackhammer.
Even though the screen shot is hideous, I am being strangely drawn to this...
Do the knife edits of you are going to be stuck in that prison cell for like an hour...

How the hell do you even get out of the first room? Is the point of the game to saw your way out of rooms? What is the point of make something like this if it is so unplayable? :mad:

Anyway this type of this is pretty neat and opens up a lot of interesting things that can be done when we all have like 50x the computing power we do now :D
How the hell do you even get out of the first room? Is the point of the game to saw your way out of rooms?
There is a "use" key... Use it to open the door ;) .

Anyway, once you use the i,m,l cheat (lifted straight from Wolf3D, by the way) for an unlimited supply of C4, you won't have much use for doors any more :D .

BTW, you only need to knock out ~ 9 voxels at the top of two of the bars, crouch, do the same on the bottom, and you're out of the cell.

Anyway this type of this is pretty neat and opens up a lot of interesting things that can be done when we all have like 50x the computing power we do now :D
You don't need 50x the computing power we have now to build something like this and have it look decent. Polygon rendering looks pretty awful too in software mode - the difference is dedicated hardware support, of which this game has none (runs entirely on the CPU, and only on one core AFAIK). With a specialised voxel processor on par with a modern GPU, you could do a hell of a lot better than this.
umm... theres a video on the xbox live site showing how the new battlefield game has completely destructible environments. i think it was the new battlefield game.... but anyway it is coming and soon...
I think the difference is that since this engine works with 3d shapes, it much easier to create destructible environments.
I think the difference is that since this engine works with 3d shapes, it much easier to create destructible environments.

Right, destrucible environments are still bullshit for the most part. Sooner rather than later you are going to find some ground that you can't blow a hole in, or invincible wall, or some grass that remains standing after you take a flamethrower to it. If you create a full physics engine and everything is assembled from materials, when you shoot a wooden wall, it should act somewhat like you just shot a wooden wall, and maintain consistency through the game.
That link to ken silverman's page hurts my eyes... He need to choose a new font and background. Looks interesting though.
exactly what i thought of too. The grass actaully had depth. Made me play that shitty game series more than twice, just for that alone!

Do not forget about Commanche, that was voxels too. Probably some of the best 320x240 graphics for its time! Damn I loved that game...
umm... theres a video on the xbox live site showing how the new battlefield game has completely destructible environments. i think it was the new battlefield game.... but anyway it is coming and soon...

Yes, it is Battlefield: Bad Company that has a completely destructible environment (at least as far as buildings and such). It makes it a pain in the butt to hide from tanks. The demo is up for download on the Playstation network I think...
Oh come on, how could you guys forget the king of destructible environments? I'm speaking, of course, of Scorched Earth. Still awesome. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a 3d version with modern graphics, but all the same core gameplay (none of these nancyboy frills some other new versions of old classics are getting).