Putting CFW on your PSP Slim - Having trouble figuring it out? Look inside for info


Fully [H]
Jun 6, 2005
Welcome to the thread! I'd like to thank everyone that's contributed to the discussions, so far. Your participation is very valuable in getting more information out to more people on how to make all of these methods and programs work together. If you have any questions, you can always PM me, or make a post in the thread. If we helped you out, let me know, we'll add your name to the list! Any links in this thread, to guides, or other information that go to external sources, are property of their respective owners. I will not take credit for the work of others. I'm standing on the shoulders of many in putting this together. I just got tired of having outdated/irrelevant information floating out there, and decided to put it all together into one place, and keep it up to date. Enjoy!


Here are some PSP terms & acronyms to know while digging around on this topic:

Tool battery / Datel battery / Datel Tool / pre-modded battery - One and the same. Datel makes a "Tool" battery that is this funky orangish color for the modding community to load custom firmware onto their PSPs. The battery will not function as a normal battery. In other words, you cannot plug in a fully charged "Tool" battery and play your PSP normally. There are ways around this, but they're more involved than I care to get into, unless someone is really desperate to do so.
Link to Datel Tool search on ebay (for reference): http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=datel+tool&category0=

CFW - custom firmware. Any firmware loaded through any means that is not released directly by Sony for your hardware model is CFW. There are many creators, but we are generally focusing on the latest releases from a modder who goes by Dark_Alex.

MMS - magic memory stick. this refers to a memory stick that is of a size between 64MB-4GB. there are many tools to properly format the Memory Stick for flashing the PSP with custom firmware. Once the magic memory stick has the proper partition type, and files copied to it, it is said to be a Magic Memory stick. For the purposes of this guide, we are only covering the use of Genuine Sony or SanDisk Memory Stick Pro Duos in the stated size range as magic memory sticks. Word to the wise, if you buy from a seller / company that is out of China, you are on your own. Many authentic-looking memory stick pro duos are not authentic, and will not function properly for the creation of a magic memory stick.

Pandora's Battery (PSP Slim)- For the purposes of this thread, we are really talking about a hard-modded (in some fashion or another) PSP Slim model battery when we refer to a Pandora's battery. A Pandora's Battery is simply (in all cases) a battery that has been modified in one form or another that puts the PSP into "service mode." It has been revealed by Sony itself that the methods discussed here for creating a Pandora's battery are the same as Sony itself uses to reflash a "bricked" or failed PSP. The PSP Slim does not share the same PCB as the fat PSP batteries. The PSP Slims battery PCB must be hard-modded to accomplish a successful custom firmware installation (through various methods). The differences are visually apparent, and alter the methods used to load custom firmware drastically. See entry below for fat battery information.

Pandora's Battery (PSP Fat) - While it is generally out of the scope of this thread (unless it gets really big, or we have a reputable source and volunteer to assist with including information), I will cover the basics in the differences between fat and slim Pandora Batteries. A Pandora's Battery is simply (in all cases) a battery that has been modified in one form or another that puts the PSP into "service mode." It has been revealed by Sony itself that the methods discussed here for creating a Pandora's battery are the same as Sony itself uses to reflash a "bricked" or failed PSP. The PCB on the fat is different than the slim. On the fat, you can (through steps not covered in this thread, as of yet) flash a chip on the PCB to make a soft-modded Pandora's battery. You can also crack the battery open, and perform various hard-mods to accomplish the same thing. Soft-mod has the benefit of being easily reversible. Hard-mod can be reversed, but with a few caveats (also not covered here). I felt it was necessary to discuss this difference up front.

Here's the guides that I used:

Pandora's Battery Mod for Slim - http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=81424

It should be noted that while this is the way that I did the mod, it can be done another way. When you are looking at the PCB inside the battery, after you get it open, and are looking at the pin that you would normally remove, look for an embedded trace on the PCB that leads to that pin. Just before the pin, there's a resistor mounted on the PCB. Instead of removing the pin, you COULD just use a blade to cut the trace. Once the CFW is loaded, then you could use the old AthlonXP trick, and just re-run the trace with a graphite pencil, or use one of those circuit trace pens (forget what they are called, ATM). This method has also been confirmed to work successfully, and has the advantage of NOT having to buy a new battery when you are done.

Be careful to not detonate your battery in your hand, when attempting to open it. Such incidents can cause injury. There are also pre-modified batteries for sale, called Datel Tool batteries for PSP. They will not function as a normal battery would, and are modified just for loading CFW on the PSP. If you search ebay, you can find them.

Cat1yst said:
...when modding the psp battery DO NOT crack it from the bottom...the two connection strips are there and can easily be cut from the knife (as i just learned the hard way)

when cutting use a new xacto blade and put the whole cutting area to effect...push the tip and a couple strokes should be sufficent..dont aim the blade down

The program that I used to format my memory stick was the "TOTAL Newbie Easy Installer - Pandoras menu." Hey...shut up. I didn't want to brick my new toy! This thing was great, and walked me through every step of the way to get the CFW loaded on my majic memory stick. It should be noted, that in it's latest incarnation, the Total newbie installer will load 3.7x m-33 on your PSP. you will have to also download Dark_Alex's CFW 3.90 m33-3 upgrade to load on your memory stick after the initial CFW load.

Total newbie easy installer can be found here: http://dl.qj.net/TOTALNewbi-easyInstaller-PSP-Tools-Utilities-(on-PC)/pg/12/fid/14749/catid/193

Dark_Alex's CFW 3.90 m33-3 can be found here: http://exophase.com/files/psp/390m33_3.rar

Here's the guide that I used to load my CFW on the PSP Slim - http://www.ocforums.com/showthread.php?t=538909
The Fat version has a slightly different method. The problem that I had was that no one had written a concise guide (that I could find) for the Slim, since all of this CFW/homebrew stuff started with the Fat version.

Here's the basic steps, top to bottom:

1.) Open up your PSP Slim battery, and either cut off the pin shown in the battery mod guide, or cut the trace to the pin (on the PCB). Optionally, find someone who has already modded their battery to spare yours, or buy a Datel TOOL battery from ebay or another source.
2.) Download Newbie Easy Installer Pandoras menu (which includes CFW 3.7x m33)
3.) Download Dark_Alex's CFW 3.90 m33-3 update (see notes at bottom of this section, 3.90m33-3 is no longer the most current version)
4.) Extract Total newbie easy installer to a Windows XP machine's hard drive, and run the "start" file. Follow the on-screen instructions to get the memory stick formatted. BE SURE TO READ EVERYTHING. The process takes all of 5 minutes to do, but do yourself a favor and read what it is telling you the first time.
5.) Follow the above listed guide to put CFW on your PSP.
6.) Format your memory stick after 3.7x m33 is successfully running on your PSP (format it using the system emnu inside the PSP).
7.) extract Dark_Alex's 3.90 m33-3 update to your memory stick (as per the instructions in the 3.90 m33-3 RAR file).
8.) Run 3.90 m33-3 update, which will also prompt you to locate or download (it will download for you, if you tell it to) the official Sony 3.90 software update.
9.) Double check that your PSP is running 3.90 m33-3
10.) Go find you some homebrew apps / emulators / etc!

NOTE TO ALL CURRENT AND NEW CFW INSTALLERS: The latest version of Dark_Alex's CFW load is 4.01 m33 update 2 (4.01 m33-2). Any current CFW load after 3.70 will grab the new CFW + Sony base .PBP FW load from the System Update menu. Please update your firmware to the new version.

Known working Programs for PSP CFW 3.90 m33-3:

Just a note, it has been asked what programs I am currently using. Since I am a high performance computing geek these days, I have needs that some may not. Here's the list of apps that I currently have running on my PSP (with supporting back end implementations on a home server, if it was required):

PiMPStreamer 1.0 (with back end application on server) http://www.pimpware.org/PiMPStreamerSetup-1.0.msi
PSP Tube (link includes guide) http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/552565
PSP Radio (link includes guide) http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/537953
PSP SSH (link includes guide) http://zx81.zx81.free.fr/serendipi.../156-PSPSSH-SSH2-Client-for-PSP-v1.0.1-!.html
PSP Maps (link includes guide) http://royale.zerezo.com/psp/
Portable VNC (link includes guide) http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=psp&thread.id=2802824

Converting PSX games for the PSP:

I have also successfully converted my PSX copy of Gran Turismo 2 (Simulation Disc) using ISOBuster and PopStationGUI. I have downloaded a lot of Genesis and SNES roms of games that I still have, but the console's that I own are broken and in a box.

ISO Buster: http://www.isobuster.com/
PopStationGUI 3 Beta: http://www.endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=57 (no longer a direct link, but the download link is there in the first post)

PSX Games on PSP Short Guide:
1.) Download IsoBuster, and PopStation GUI 3 beta - install both.
2.) Insert PSX game into CD-ROM drive, and launch IsoBuster
3.) Click "Remind me later" on annoying IsoBuster screens
4.) When IsoBuster launches, you should see the structure of the disc ion the left-hand pane.
5) Right-Click on the "Session 1" line and select the line that says "Extract RAW Data (xxxx bytes/block) (*.bin, *.iso)"
6) A Browse Window will appear. It's asking you where to save the ISO. Pick a location that you'll remember.
7) IsoBuster will now give you a progress bar while the extraction is happening.
8.) When IsoBuster is done making the compressed image file at the location that you told it, go ahead and close IsoBuster.
9.) Launch PopStation GUI 3 beta
10.) Upon opening, you will see that the first dialogue box asks for the PSX image file. Hit the browse button and point it to the ISO or BIN file that was just created in the IsoBuster program.
11.) Once you give it the file, you should see all of the other previsouly blank dialogue boxes on the menu populate.
12.) You can customize load screens, etc for the game if you wish, under the "Customize EBOOT (+)" section, but I'm not going to cover that here.
13.) Hit the "GO" button at the bottom of PopStation GUI.
14.) PopStation GUI will dump the EBOOT.PBP file into the directory of your ISO/BIN file, and then ask you if you want to transfer it to you PSP.
15.) You can either allow PopStation to transfer the file for you over USB, by putting you PSP into USB mode, or you can tell it no, and place the file yourself.
16.) EBOOT.PBP files should go inside of: root>PSP>GAME>(grant your eboot a game folder, and place the .PBP file inside).
Converting DVD video for the PSP:

You will need a few things to get you going int he right direction. Here's a short list:

DVD Ripping software (such as AnyDVD, or DVD Decrypter)
VOB Merging program
SuperC http://www.erightsoft.biz/GetFile.php?SUPERsetup.exe

1.) Rip the DVD with a program that will allow you to extract the .VOB files. This could be DVD Decrypter, AnyDVD, SmartRipper, or any other of a number of programs that are free to download. My personal preference is DVD Decrypter, but almost all programs work equally well for this menial task. When you are setting up what files to be ripped from the disc, to decrease the amount of time that it will take to get the files form the disc, just select the .VOB files that you need for the movie. In this case, the red circle, and highlighted entries indicate that I have already done this.


2.) Use .VOB file merger to get all of the extracted .VOB files into a single file. I prefer to do the file merge on the front end of the transcoding, but I suppose that you could do it on the back end, as well. I simply find it easier to get a hold of a program that works with .VOB, since it's been around for about a dozen years, at this point. Make sure that the get the files in the correct order, whichever program you decide to use, so that all of the output video is correct. I'd suggest double checking the ouput stream for not only the transitions between the original files, but also to make sure that the audio and video is properly sync'd up. If the audio and video are out of sync, go back to your original (non-joined) .VOB files, and make sure that they have sync'd audio and video. If the originals do, but the merged .VOBs don't...get a new .VOB joiner.

3.) Now for one of my favorite programs. It's called SuperC (but the C is actually the copyright symbol, C). This little program can convert a whole lot of stuff to a whole lot of other stuff. It's free, and it even has built in profiles for you phones, your 360, your PS3, and lots of other stuff. On top of that, it has a profile for the PSP, as well. I used to have a converter for each file type that I wanted to end up with, one for .3GP for my Blackberry, one for DivX/XviD for archiving, and PSP 9 for the PSP. Now, I just use this, because it does it all. I'll make it easy for you...just make sure that your setting match my screenshot, and you'll be just fine.


If you have all of the settings as I do in this screenshot, then the conversion process should go just fine. In order to load the merged .VOB file into SuperC, just click and drag the merged .VOB into the batch file list in the lowe section of the program dialogue box (the white area at the bottom). You should see a check mark inside of a box, next to the file that you just dragged/dropped into that area. If you, that means of course that the file is marked for conversion into the format that is defined by the drop down boxes/radio buttons above it. Click the button in the lower right hand corner to start the conversion. SuperC will output (by default) the files into an appropriate directory, and show you the output directory, when the conversion is done.

Note: Conversion time depends on many things, and with SuperC, the progress bar that is in gree, about 2/3rds of the way down the program window, on the right hand side, continually cycles from left to right. Don't get all antsy, or think that something is wrong when the bar reaches the far right, and then resets at the left. Look to the progress bar area for input/output file size as the job is going, to make sure that the ouput file size is continuing to get larger as the job progresses. I converted a 3.73GB merged .VOB of "No Country For Old Men" on my quad core laptop w/4GB of RAM, and a 3 disk RAID-0 (yes...that's a laptop) in about 40 minutes. Your results will vary.

4.) When SuperC finishes the conversion, it will tell you to place the file in the "MP_ROOT>100ANV01" folder on your PSP. It will name the files (it also includes the thumbnail file, so that you can easily tell your movies apart, on your PSP) appropriately, but if you're running CFW, putting the files into the "MP_ROOT>100ANV01" is not necessary (but should work). If you've formatted your Memory Stick Pro Duo with the PSP CFW load, it should create a "VIDEO" folder on the Memory Stick. You can just throw the files into the video folder, and off you go!

Is your Memory Stick Pro Duo Genuine, or did you get a fake?:

This is a very important thread on determining if you have been sold a fake memory stick, and what to watch out for. One of the main benefits of CFW is being able to run extra programs. The downside is that we use Memory Stick Pro Duos to store the information. Subsequently, we are all potential targets for being sold a fake. Get Educated! Think you've been sold a fake, or want to know if you're looking at one? This thread has great information:

Confirmed working emulators: I take no responsibility for version compatibility, or for information contained within the following links

submitted by sabregen

SNES Emulator

Sega Genesis Emulator

If you have been able to use any of this information to load CFW on your PSP, or gain access to features of the XMB, create PSX ISO/CSO/EBOOT files, RIP UMDs, or anything else (basically, if you found this thread helpful), please let me know via PM. I will be updating this particular post with information on who has been helped, and in what capacity.

It will likely take me some time, and a few responses (from you guys) to develop a charting method to accurately report all pertinent information, so bare with me. For right now, this is what we have:

SUCCESSFUL CFW LOAD: (please PM me if this thread has helped you!)

Eragon Dragonslayer
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can i use this to downgrade 3.93 official? Im gonna hardmod my battery and then use the complete noobie guide and hopefully have it running 3.90 M33...will it work? What are my chances of bricking it?

The guide says - PSP Slim with 3.60, 3.72 or 3.73 official firmware needed....im at 3.93 am i SOL?

BTW, I vote for Sticky!!

Ur freaking post owns!!! im now running CFW on my psp slim!! THANK YOU!! =D

Worked like a charm on my 3.93 psp....
sorry I didn't back to the thread today until I got home. I'm glad everything worked out for you. Obviously, the guide link that I posted is a bit out of date. If I have time, I would like to do a full write up, but for now, this is all that I have time for. It has been confirmed that I will be on travel for certification classes for 3 weeks, not 2...so it looks like my free time could be relatively limited for a while. Maybe if I get bored in a hotel room, and have some beer, lol.

Update: Since I didn't really address the original question before his thread got edited with his positive results. At any rate, he was correct, the guide linked says that you must have a certain firmware, in order to be compatible with the new CFW. While I am quite certain that this information was accurate when the guide was written, it is not current. As far as I know, with my directions, you can run any version of firmware (CFW or original Sony) that you desire (provided you can get the FW to load from a reliable source) on a PSP Slim, all the way back to Sony's 3.60, if you wish. Please note that the PSP Slims CANNOT run firmware released before 3.60. I would imagine that any attempt to do so would result in...well...I can't really say, but I'd recommend not trying it.

Oh, and thanks for the sticky vote!;)
This thread is very helpful... I have a slim, and would like cfw. But I thought you had to use a phat psp. But I see now I can use buy a used phat battery, and not even have to mod it, and it will work fine?
This thread is very helpful... I have a slim, and would like cfw. But I thought you had to use a phat psp. But I see now I can use buy a used phat battery, and not even have to mod it, and it will work fine?

fat batteries can be used to flash slims. the difference (as I understand it) between fat and slim batteries is that the fats have a PCB with a programmable chip. once the battery is flashed to a pandora battery, on a fat, it can be flashed back to regular battery after you are done. optionally, you can also do a hard mod on the battery (fat or slim) to get CFW on your fat. don't forget, that's only half of the equation. you also have to create the magic memory stick, and get the proper version of CFW for your model. for the fats, i believe this is 3.90 m33-3, with the 1.50 firmware update. google "dark_alex" or "3.90 m33-3" to get to the page, or folow the link above for additional updates.
is there anyway to browse my computers files and put them on a psp via wifi?
interesting question. not that I have found yet, unless the PSP VNC client can do file transfer, but I haven't checked yet.
fat batteries can be used to flash slims. the difference (as I understand it) between fat and slim batteries is that the fats have a PCB with a programmable chip. once the battery is flashed to a pandora battery, on a fat, it can be flashed back to regular battery after you are done. optionally, you can also do a hard mod on the battery (fat or slim) to get CFW on your fat. don't forget, that's only half of the equation. you also have to create the magic memory stick, and get the proper version of CFW for your model. for the fats, i believe this is 3.90 m33-3, with the 1.50 firmware update. google "dark_alex" or "3.90 m33-3" to get to the page, or folow the link above for additional updates.

Thanks for the help. I will look into getting a phat battery, and making the mem stick. I have a 1gig duo now. I am leaving for Iraq in 7 weeks.. and would very much like this to happen. A lot easier than carrying around a dozen games.
Hey Great info man. I got my PSP flashed to CFW 3.90 M33-3. How do I get the SNES Emulator to run? I've followed a few things on the net and none seem to work. Please help. Thanks!

Also, If I ever wanted to go back to the official Sony releases...how could I do that?
Hey Great info man. I got my PSP flashed to CFW 3.90 M33-3. How do I get the SNES Emulator to run? I've followed a few things on the net and none seem to work. Please help. Thanks!

Also, If I ever wanted to go back to the official Sony releases...how could I do that?

i simply extracted the SNES emulator folder inside of PSP>GAME and it worked for me. I then created a ROMS directory inside of the emulator folder to store the ROMs. Directory structure looked like this:

EMULATOR FOLDER (containing files)
ROMS (containing rom images)

the eboot file for the snes emulator should live inside the psp>game>emulator folder. I use Snes9xTYL as my emulator. Here's a pic of my folder structure:


as for the other question: putting original firmware back on, you'd have to download that from Sonys site. The process should be identical (in theory). Maybe someone else can tell me, or maybe I will have time to try it at some later date (I can't even think of doing it right now- 3 airports, 8 hours of class, and been up for 20 hours today).

UPDATE to putting original firmware back on - go to this page: http://www.us.playstation.com/PSP/About/SystemUpdate/pc.html
There's a "Download now" button to the firmware download for your PC, to then put onto your magic memory stick to reflash (reverting back to official firmware, and process involved is assumed to be the same, but is unconfirmed, as of this post).
Hey Great info man. I got my PSP flashed to CFW 3.90 M33-3. How do I get the SNES Emulator to run? I've followed a few things on the net and none seem to work. Please help. Thanks!

Also, If I ever wanted to go back to the official Sony releases...how could I do that?

Trust me, once u get hooked on homebrew for the psp ull never look back...and if u do...well somethings wrong with u =D

Im never looking back at OFW ever...but im just wondering say i leave my psp on and the wifi on...could sony hijack my psp and brick/or put back to OFW?
Dood sabregen- You're the man!

I put mine in my "GAME150" Folder and it worked...but I had to get an updated version of the SNES emulator. I'll try just sticking them where you did and see what results I get.

Also, where is your GAME150 and GAME390 folders?

Do you know of a good PS1 emulator? I have tons of games (FF7 FTW) that I would love to play again but my damn PS1 broke and they look like pure garbage when being played on my PS3.
Trust me, once u get hooked on homebrew for the psp ull never look back...and if u do...well somethings wrong with u =D

Im never looking back at OFW ever...but im just wondering say i leave my psp on and the wifi on...could sony hijack my psp and brick/or put back to OFW?

From all of the millions of PSPs out there (estimated 3 million +), with more than half running CFW, I really don't think that they care. Hell, we run Linux on our PS3s at work. I think you're probably safe.
Dood sabregen- You're the man!

I put mine in my "GAME150" Folder and it worked...but I had to get an updated version of the SNES emulator. I'll try just sticking them where you did and see what results I get.

Also, where is your GAME150 and GAME390 folders?

Do you know of a good PS1 emulator? I have tons of games (FF7 FTW) that I would love to play again but my damn PS1 broke and they look like pure garbage when being played on my PS3.

My GAME150 and GAME390 folders are in the root of the memory stick. They are in the same location as the GAME folder. I'd take a screenshot, to make it easier to understand, but I am sitting in a Denny's waiting for a taxi to take me to the LSI offices, sans PSP (at the hotel...bastards better not steal it!).

Okay, from what I understand of the GAME, GAME150, AND GAME390 folders, it goes like this:

GAME > original PSP game folder. CFW adds the other two. I put ALL of my homebrew and PS1 ROMS right here. for homebrew apps, just make sure you extract them in a way so that the homebrew application is contained within a folder, inside of GAME, like this: GAME>PSPTUBE>(files)

GAME150> only used by fats running CFW with the 1.50 kernel update. Slims cannot run 1.50 (or any version, previous to 3.60, for that matter). I really don't have too much information on this one. It should do the exact same thing as the regular GAME folder, only if you're running a fat with CFW.

GAME390> as far as I can tell, a lot of people (not me, though) put their homebrew stuff in this folder. If I put stuff into this folder, I get "no games" message when I go to the memory stick, although I can see that there's obviously space being used by games, as it only shows 393mb free and I currently have a 1GB stick. I think I SHOULD be putting my files here, but they don't show up in the list when I do. Subsequently, all of my stuff goes into GAME.

As to address the request for a PS1 emulator, you do not need it with CFW above 3.70, I believe ( think that was the release). PS1 converted images (.eboot) can be placed into the GAME folder, and the PSP will automatically detect that it is a PS1 game. There's two programs you'll need for a Windows machine, to convert your original CD media to a PSP compatible file:

ISO Buster: http://www.isobuster.com/
PopStationGUI: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/downloads.php?action=download&did=24 (direct link)
No phat batteries at my local gamestop. :( I dont want to buy a slim, and solder it, doesnt even have a soldering iron. Am I correct in that you only need the battery once? I dont know anyone who has a phat either.
yes, only need the battery (modded one) to get the firmware onto the PSP. I'd suggest buying a datel TOOL battery then.
No phat batteries at my local gamestop. :( I dont want to buy a slim, and solder it, doesnt even have a soldering iron. Am I correct in that you only need the battery once? I dont know anyone who has a phat either.

What i did was take an x-acto knife and slice the lead and then installed CFW and when i was done i just made the lead touch the bottom and volia it worked like a regular battery again all i need to do to make pandora is just move the lead over
I will be coming back to this thread once I have finished the huge line of games I have on the waiting list for some dgen emulator help.

Nicely put together me like.
thanks guys. I appreciate the reponses. let me know if I can answer any other questions.

Eragon - so you just moved the pin from the chip, and then flashed CFW, and then moved it back?
ok...so I tried to place my SNES emulator where you placed yours...and it's not working. I keep getting an error message when loading the emulator. Any suggestions?

Can you PM me where you got your emulator or what version you are on? You have a slim at CFW3.90 M33-3 right?
ok...so I tried to place my SNES emulator where you placed yours...and it's not working. I keep getting an error message when loading the emulator. Any suggestions?

Can you PM me where you got your emulator or what version you are on? You have a slim at CFW3.90 M33-3 right?

very strange that yours is not working. here's my version (currently) download link: http://yoyofr92.free.fr/psp/files/snes9xTYL-0.4.2.rar
I think that is the version i have currently. I'll download it and give it a shot.

The other version of the emulator worked out of the GAME150 folder for some odd reason.

Also, do you have a folder named "emulators" under PSP>Game or do you just throw your emulators in the game folder?
I think that is the version i have currently. I'll download it and give it a shot.

The other version of the emulator worked out of the GAME150 folder for some odd reason.

Also, do you have a folder named "emulators" under PSP>Game or do you just throw your emulators in the game folder?

emulators go in the game folder, not like this:

game>emulator folder>emulators

like this:

Well, Game Crazy had a used phat battery for just $15, so I snatched it up. Plan to try this tonight, when I get some time. There is zero modding I have to do with a phat battery, correct? Its all just software now? Also, does it have to a XP machine? Ive got 64bit XP and Vista 32 bit on this machine. I do have a laptop with XP home, I suppose I could use that if I had to.
you are correct. the fat battery only requires a software mod to the PCB, and when it is all completed, you just basically flash the battery back to normal operational mode. There's a reason that most of the guides recommend XP, and it has to do with how Vista initializes the volume when you attach the PSP via USB, or insert the Pro Duo into a memory card reader. There's a format that is required after the disk is initialized, and under Vista, there's a signature written to the partition that will render it non-bootable when inserted into the PSP for the purpose of flashing the firmware. You can get around it, but to be honest, the formatting of the magic memory stick, and subsequent loading of files that is required does not take all that long.

Let me put it this way: it would take you longer to read the special Vista portion of the guide than complete the XP version, plain and simple. If you have access to an XO machine, I would recommend using it just for getting the magic memory stick together.
Ill just use my laptop. Actually, my other latptop (Asus Eee) has XP on it too, Pro instead of Home even. I dont have a duo card reader though... the guide says connect it via usb, so here I go....

edit, well, I must have done something wrong. I formatted the duo, connected it via usb, ran the start.exe, it went thru everything fine. Selected option 4, and it finished. This is where I got a little confused. This is what I tried to do, but it didnt work;

Now with the Memory Pro Duo card still in your PSP, insert the modded battery back into the PSP. Now the PSP should turn on, but the screen shouldn&#8217;t. Here&#8217;s the part where you tell if you&#8217;ve done all the steps up to this point correctly or not. Press &#8220;X&#8221; on the PSP; the orange and green lights on the left side of the PSP should start flashing. They should stay on for a little while, and once they&#8217;re done flashing, the PSP should automatically shut itself off. Note during this whole process, the screen will stay off.

My battery isnt modded, because its a phat battery. So I turned off the PSP, but got no black screen. It just booted up as normal. I checked my duo stick, and pandoras stuff is on there, "Pandoras Battery Creator, Despertar del Cementerio, and corrupted data".

What am I doing wrong? Ive tried booting up with both batteries, they both act the same.
Ill just use my laptop. Actually, my other latptop (Asus Eee) has XP on it too, Pro instead of Home even. I dont have a duo card reader though... the guide says connect it via usb, so here I go....

edit, well, I must have done something wrong. I formatted the duo, connected it via usb, ran the start.exe, it went thru everything fine. Selected option 4, and it finished. This is where I got a little confused. This is what I tried to do, but it didnt work;

My battery isnt modded, because its a phat battery. So I turned off the PSP, but got no black screen. It just booted up as normal. I checked my duo stick, and pandoras stuff is on there, "Pandoras Battery Creator, Despertar del Cementerio, and corrupted data".

What am I doing wrong? Ive tried booting up with both batteries, they both act the same.

You need to make that battery a Pandora battery with a modded PSP.
figured out my SNES woes finally! I have FW 3.90 and you have to get an updated version for FW3.XX and up. Got it all running now. PM me a link to Mario All-Stars if anyone has a working copy. I have it but it will not load SMB3...and thats my favorite! : ) (I do own a copy of all-stars. I got it with my SNES as a pack-in back in the day).

Also, got some PS1 games going as well. FF Tactics and Parasite Eve FTW!

now i just need a bigger memory stick...8GB here I come!
Nice guide; I was looking for info on this and it seems like every guide is for a different firmware with different downgraders. I figured the newer ones could only be modded with the battery since every write up I see stops at about firmware 3.50 with a Lumines exploit...

Thanks for the info.
you have to make the Pandoras battery first, if it's a fat battery, or hard-mod it. in order to make a fat battery a pandoras battery through software, you have to have a fat. if you got a fat battery, and intend to use it to flash a slim, and have no access to a fat with CFW already on it, you will have to hard mod it.

Ill just use my laptop. Actually, my other latptop (Asus Eee) has XP on it too, Pro instead of Home even. I dont have a duo card reader though... the guide says connect it via usb, so here I go....

edit, well, I must have done something wrong. I formatted the duo, connected it via usb, ran the start.exe, it went thru everything fine. Selected option 4, and it finished. This is where I got a little confused. This is what I tried to do, but it didnt work;

My battery isnt modded, because its a phat battery. So I turned off the PSP, but got no black screen. It just booted up as normal. I checked my duo stick, and pandoras stuff is on there, "Pandoras Battery Creator, Despertar del Cementerio, and corrupted data".

What am I doing wrong? Ive tried booting up with both batteries, they both act the same.
to linus and spotpuff - thanks for tuning in, and the responses. glad I could help.
UGH! I thought you could just use a phat batter, and a slim psp. Didnt know you actually needed a phat psp. I dont know anyone who has a phat, I did, but sold it over a year ago.

Who wants to make me a battery if I send it to them? :)
Ok so question.... is the extended life battery actually larger than the standard PSP-2k battery? Reason I ask is I have a DV PSP and would like to keep the battery plate as I believe that is where his head is... But most of the extended batteries have extra backs with them?
Yes the extended batterys have diff battery covers to accommodate their larger size, alas there is only black and silver covers no white DV or reg white covers at this time

And DO NOT do what i did with my battery, after just removing the pin, for some reason it didnt connect one time and i tried to move the pin back it fell off....ur better off buying a used battery to mod, or modding the battery u have and getting the extended pack