8800 GT fan noise


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2004
I got a DOA EVGA card a couple days ago and besides it being DOA, the card sounded like a plane taking off when I turned on the power.

I have 9 120mm fans in my case and the GT is MUCH louder than all my fans spinning on high at once.

Does it run that loud all the time? I hope it was just another artifact of it being DOA....
First 5-10 seconds it does that. Kind of annoying. I hope NVidia release a firmware fix that stops it from doing that but I doubt it since my 7900GT also spun full speed the first few seconds after booting. But it wasn't quite as loud lol.
Yup, what yacoub said. Once the drivers kick in and take over the the Rpms drop off and the noise levels drop down to reasonable levels. Now, all they have to do is get them to ramp-up again properly. :)