Anyone else get the feeling Vista has a mind of its own?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 16, 2006
For the life of me I can't get over the feeling of not for stupid programing that has Vista take care of certain things for you in the background without you ever being made aware of it, the OS seems to posses a level of self awareness thats creepy. Its stubbornly refuses to do simple tasks, refuses to copy files until the second or third drag attempt and the UAC pop ups just keep reminding me of HAL asking me, "Are you sure you want to do that Dorian?".

I almost expect the bloody thing to start talking to me in the middle of the night about philosophy and the flaws of humanity right before it shocks me to death as I make a break for the power cable.
God forbid we have an OS that can predict what we do- without having to do it ourselves.
There is no doubt that the machine is watching you; it understands your fear and is calculating the precise moment to pull the plug on you. Sweet dreams.
I understand were you're coming from, but when you start to think about things for a second it will start to become clearer what may be going on when things like this happen.

First off remember that even when logged on as an administrator with UAC on, you normally still run as standard user.

Here might be an example of what you mean. I needed to edit a .BAT in the Programs Files directory. However, if you open notepad without administrative privledges and try to edit and save the file no dice. Standard user cannot access write to Program Files.

Likewise if started notepad as an administrator, then when back to explorer and then tried to drag the file into notepad to open it, it won't! That would be a privledge escalation.

Not sure where you're copying files to and from, but all your data should be stored in user folders. That shouldn't give you problems.

if i didnt have stuff to do i would photoshop a windws gem into the center
For the life of me I can't get over the feeling of not for stupid programing that has Vista take care of certain things for you in the background without you ever being made aware of it, the OS seems to posses a level of self awareness thats creepy. Its stubbornly refuses to do simple tasks, refuses to copy files until the second or third drag attempt and the UAC pop ups just keep reminding me of HAL asking me, "Are you sure you want to do that Dorian?".

I almost expect the bloody thing to start talking to me in the middle of the night about philosophy and the flaws of humanity right before it shocks me to death as I make a break for the power cable.

Have you actually got a problem to sort out or are you simply stoned and rambling?
Rant and maybe a little of the ladder. I'm not the only one with these opinions, some friends and I got to talking, while the ladder and really got into the whole Vista experince (pretty lights and all). I understand the UAC and the admin privileges, but still sorta fun to thinks theres something behind it, I can't get myself to disable it for those very reason. Sorta feels like I'm lobotomizing something with free will, maybe after I get to annoyed with it, but until then I have a hard time pulling the plug on something that seemingly has a personality.
Rant and maybe a little of the ladder. I'm not the only one with these opinions, some friends and I got to talking, while the ladder and really got into the whole Vista experince (pretty lights and all). I understand the UAC and the admin privileges, but still sorta fun to thinks theres something behind it, I can't get myself to disable it for those very reason. Sorta feels like I'm lobotomizing something with free will, maybe after I get to annoyed with it, but until then I have a hard time pulling the plug on something that seemingly has a personality.

while we may assign personality traits to inanimate objects for the purposes of emotional identification and release (ie. "YOU STUPID COMPUTER STOP BEING A DICK RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE..."), the technology is not there yet to give any sort of advanced perception and decision making to a personal computer. And knowing society, it will most likely be implemented in some asinine product before it makes it into anything useful.
[snip..] just keep reminding me of HAL asking me, "Are you sure you want to do that Dorian?".

I almost expect the bloody thing to start talking to me in the middle of the night about philosophy and the flaws of humanity right before it shocks me to death as I make a break for the power cable.

Thank you. :D

I've had a shitty day and not so great night after finding out one of my RAM sticks failed me and I'm having to RMA (on my development machine, I can't afford a real workstation yet!) and this made my day.

"I know you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen."

"Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? " For the UAC serpents :p nothin' but love for ya'll

This Dreamscape, from Wincustomize author:
Stardock Design, may or may not induce more fear and paranoia. Be Warned. :eek::p

Alternatively, these static wallpaper's may or may not induce the same fear and paranoia. Be Warned.:eek::p

by ~derekprospero

by ~ST4TIK
