So about those Guitar Hero II 360 Guitars...


Jun 10, 2004
...they don't play well with static electricity.

I was sitting in my living room, which incidentally we had new carpet put into maybe a month ago, and had my Guitar Hero II guitar in my left hand as I stood up. I forget why I stood up, maybe I was going to do something because I had just finshed my 39th song on hard. But as soon as I put my second foot on the floor, I felt the static charge go through my left thumb. I was even wearing slippers with rubber soles.

I thought it was odd, considering I was holding a plastic controller. Then I went to load up the next song, and when I would press the green button, nothing would happen. And when I went to strum downwards, nothing would happen. Oddly enough, the red button does work, and strumming up does work.

So I set that guitar aside, thinking maybe I could figure out what to do about it later, and went to play some Guild Wars on the PC.

About 90 minutes later, I decided to play some more Guitar Hero with my second guitar. So I'm sitting down with my guitar, game is loading and I just put one foot on the floor....


... two guitars, two guitar that don't work because of stupid static electricity.

I can not relate my level of frustration at this point.
... two guitars, two guitar that don't work because of stupid static electricity.

say what!?

That's crazy....I guess the sensitive parts of the guitar aren't placed far enough away...
say what!?

That's crazy....I guess the sensitive parts of the guitar aren't placed far enough away...

Either that or I have an abnormally large ESD ability. You'd think the plastic shell would help. Guess I'm going to have to ground myself when/if I get a replacement.
Either that or I have an abnormally large ESD ability. You'd think the plastic shell would help. Guess I'm going to have to ground myself when/if I get a replacement.

Give your problem a google and see if it's a common issue. I'd even give the company a call and ask them to send you two replacements; ESD shouldn't be an issue when you're using a plastic guitar. I wonder what the guy on the other end of the phone will say, whether it's a common issue they're having or not. First the non-working wammy-bar and now the ESD...
I can guarantee it's not a common issue, only because I know that the shock I gave those two guitars were very intense compared to what I'd call normal ESD. The second guitar I thought received lesser of a shock, but still... I mean how far could the circuit board in the neck be from the plastic shell anyway.
hmm...that is odd, me and my buddies played for 6 hours on Sat. night, we were in our socks sliding around on the ground and getting up and down from the coach. no issues there...that is a bummer. hope things work out for ya.
Just happened to me today, second guitar in a week...

I accidentally touch the ethernet port on the bottom and it shocks me, and then the controller doesn't work anymore.
Turns out I had a bad ground in my living room, and once I fixed the ground issue, then I wasn't shocking anything anymore, and my newest guitars haven't had any issues.